Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The Seven Deadly Sins of Business

The Sins of Strategy

Sin #1: Trusting in your terrific plans ... even though you have lost sight of what your real strategy is.

Sin #2: Reinvesting in your outstanding products ... while the market is moving in a different direction.

Sin #3: Focusing on playing to win ... when in fact you’re playing the wrong game by the wrong rules.

The Sins of Organization

Sin #4: Assuming a team of turbo-charged employees ... while short-changing the investments needed to build workforce judgment and skill.

Sin #5: Focusing on workplace sizzle ... but neglecting to provide the motivation that matters.

The Sins of Information

Sin #6: Taking pride in being a learning organization ... even though key decision makers are unable or unwilling to see the facts for the creed.

Sin #7: Investing in sophisticated forward intelligence systems ... while consistently falling backward in the battles that count.