Showing posts with label influences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label influences. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

The rise and fall of television in India

Why does TV focus endlessly on the deeds of the least inspiring section of our society, the politicians?

A friend of mine recently donated her TV set to her maid. She says: “I felt depressed, even disgusted, by what I saw on TV.” Today, she is a happier and more positive person. “I’ve more time than before,” she says, “for friends, for travel, for walks and concerts and other simple pleasures.”

She isn’t alone. Others haven’t actually given away their TV sets but have stopped watching it. They do so only for the occasional movie, or for news of a major event.

I agree with my friend about the pernicious effects of television. TV channels are loaded with negativity. To be fair to them, they can do nothing about natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, tsunamis…) or about inhumanity (terrorist strikes, coups, violence, corruption, crime, rape…).

Read the Open Page article published in TH dt 7th Jul 2015

Monday, 3 September 2012

CIO’s Seven Points of Key Influences

The CIO role by nature is fraught with paradox, the modern CIO need be both business strategist and IT manager, innovator and cost-cutter, visionary and situation-driven.

Chief influence officer is the most pertinent persona for CIO in 21st century, since the technology is ubiquitous in information age, however, the traditional big box hardware style of IT infrastructure is disappearing, and more invisible digitized IT backbone based on Cloud computing is emerging, modern CIO is no longer just the chief infrastructure officer to manage back office of functional IT, this strategic role is more based on the influence made cross the organizational boundary, from innovation to sustainability, from talent management to cultural transformation.

Here we discuss the seven points of CIO’s influences:

1. Strategy Influence
2. Innovation Influence
3. Technology Influence
4. Culture Influence
5. Talent Influence
6. Sustainability Influence
7. Influence on Influencer

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