Showing posts with label Jan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jan. Show all posts

Friday, 22 January 2021

Interesting Reads And Information -- IRAI -- 210121



TCS announces NQT 2021 recruitment test for freshers; apply before 10 February

Curveball questions at industry interviews

If you’re based in academia and have lined up interviews with industry employers, you can anticipate certain questions and prepare effective responses that improve your chances of getting the job. Be ready for queries that reflect stereotypes about academia and that probe why you’re switching sectors, says career coach and trainer Tina Persson. Here are 20 common questions, and how you could answer them

Designing a hiring practice for autistic IT staff

The neurodiversity movement is gaining momentum, as corporate sponsorship builds on lessons learned from hiring people on the spectrum.

Four-day week: how workplaces can successfully establish it

Many workplaces have been experimenting with different types of flexible working arrangements for years now, but the pandemic has made the need for flexibility far more pressing.


The software that changed science

Nature profiles the unsung heroes of science: ten computer codes that have transformed research over the past few decades. From the 1957 Fortran compiler that turned human-readable instructions into machine code, to AlexNet, a pioneering algorithm that heralded the rise of the kind of deep learning that now powers Siri and friends.

9 Valuable Lessons We Learned in 2020

As this unprecedented, challenging year comes to a close, it’s an understatement to say that we’ve learned a lot. We’ve transitioned to remote work in the midst of a pandemic and embraced the ambiguity that comes with it.

He Created the Web. Now He’s Out to Remake the Digital World.

Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in control of their personal data. He has technology and a start-up pursuing that goal. Can he succeed?

Mr. Berners-Lee’s vision of personal data sovereignty stands in sharp contrast to the harvest-and-hoard model of the big tech companies. But it has some echoes of the original web formula — a set of technology standards that developers can use to write programs and that entrepreneurs and companies can use to build businesses.

Design Thinking

IDEO U’s Design Thinking Book Recommendations

IDEO  believes that one need to get out into the world to internalize learning.  Here are books that will help deepen the understanding and practice of design thinking.


Potentially Harmful Applications

Malware is any code that could put a user, a user's data, or a device at risk. Malware includes, but is not limited to, Potentially Harmful Applications (PHAs), binaries, or framework modifications, consisting of categories such as trojans, phishing, and spyware apps.

Mobile Unwanted Software (MUwS)

Unwanted software (UwS) are apps that aren’t strictly malware, but are harmful to the software ecosystem. Mobile unwanted software (MUwS) impersonates other apps or collects information without user consent:

Artificial intelligence

A Decade Of AI: Most Defining Moments 2010-20

AI — the yesteryear’s wildest science fiction is now an integral part of our lives. It wasn’t like this a decade ago. People were talking, theorising and experimenting with AI for sure, but what happened in the last decade has made AI more tangible. This was the decade when AI went mainstream. Be it access to world standard courses, platforms, libraries, frameworks, hardware — everything just fell into place. And, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration if one were to say that what was accomplished in the last ten years single-handedly fortified the foundations of our future. 

In this article, we look at a few of the most important breakthroughs that directly or indirectly have made AI a household name.

The Seven Patterns of AI

By understanding these seven patterns, you can greatly simplify your AI projects by understanding how those seven patterns are implemented with best practices, and then apply those patterns individually or in combination with others to achieve the desired end-goals of your AI and machine learning systems.

AI: an opportunity amidst a crisis

As organisations repair, rethink and reconfigure their business models to navigate the uncertainties of the post COVID-19 world, they have started realising the potential of digital and cognitive technologies to increase resilience, spot growth opportunities and drive innovation. Our annual survey of CXOs and decision makers has revealed that as we emerge from the current crisis, optimism with regard to AI has gone up significantly from 72% to 92%, and the rate of AI adoption has increased from 62% to 70%. Further, 94% of the respondents claim they have either implemented or are planning to implement AI in their organisations.

However, to get the best out of AI, businesses need to start viewing it as a necessity rather than a luxury. In this study, we explore how enterprises can adopt and scale up AI initiatives to maximise their impact on business outcomes.

Robotics,  Intelligent Systems & RPA

Are friends electric? The benefits and risks of human-robot relationships

Social robots that can interact and communicate with people are growing in popularity for use at home and in customer-service, education, and healthcare settings. Although growing evidence suggests that co-operative and emotionally aligned social robots could benefit users across the lifespan, controversy continues about the ethical implications of these devices and their potential harms. In this perspective, we explore this balance between benefit and risk through the lens of human-robot relationships. We review the definitions and purposes of social robots, explore their philosophical and psychological status, and relate research on human-human and human-animal relationships to the emerging literature on human-robot relationships. Advocating a relational rather than essentialist view, we consider the balance of benefits and harms that can arise from different types of relationship with social robots and conclude by considering the role of researchers in understanding the ethical and societal impacts of social robotics.

Darth Vader’s Guide To Chatbot: Everything You Need to Know About ChatBot Part I

Darth Vader’s Guide To Chatbot: Everything You Need to Know About ChatBot Part II

Top 10 causes of RPA failures and how to avoid them

Experts in automation offer insight on why RPA implementations fail in the enterprise and how IT leaders can avoid them to ensure they're getting the most out of the technology.

Data Management

Master Data Management for Small Business and Large Corporations Alike

Now a widely adopted procedure, MDM or Master Data Management has come a long way since it was first introduced over a decade ago. In 2004, businesses worldwide reached a ground-breaking conclusion; that there was a simpler way to store and present critical data.

Due to MDM benefits, this revolutionary method not only enabled companies to organize, categorize, and localize their master data according to the business rules of the sales but also concentrate on the marketing and operational strategies for their specific needs. Because of this, its popularity grew quickly through IT companies and corporate businesses alike.


6 common types of cyber attacks and how to prevent them

To prevail in the battle against cybercrime, companies must understand how they are being attacked. Here are the six most damaging types of cyber attacks and how to prevent them.

Union Bank of India will be facilitating Phishing by Ignorance and Negligence

Union Bank of India is considered one of the better managed banks in India and RBI recently merged Corporation Bank and Andhra Bank with Union Bank. Both the merged Banks had decades of history and brand name amongst its customers. 

However, Union Bank seems to be completely unaware of the banking risks in the digital era or it is so poor as not to be able to invest around Rs 800/-  ( to renew the domain names of acquired/merged banks -- Corporation Bank & Andhra Bank) on behalf of  each of the merged Banks to protect the interests of the customers of these Banks.

I wish the Chairman of Union Bank of India looks at why I am forced to make the statement that “Union Bank of India will be facilitating Phishing by Ignorance and Negligence”.

Websites to visit

SNIA: The Storage Networking Industry Association. 

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) is a non-profit organization made up of member companies spanning information technology. A globally recognized and trusted authority, SNIA’s mission is to lead the storage industry in developing and promoting vendor-neutral architectures, standards and educational services that facilitate the efficient management, movement and security of information.

Education & Learning

25 Ed Tech Predictions for 2021

Education technology may have come into its own during the pandemic. But will it remain front and center forever? Here, education and industry leaders alike offer their views on higher ed's future.

eBook: Beyond Hybrid

Hybrid learning has been an essential part of many institutions' COVID response, but it's not the full story. Here's 5 articles exploring key considerations for higher education through the pandemic and beyond, including:

Envisioning the Future of Higher Ed in a Post-Pandemic World; Educause Identifies Top IT Issues for an Uncertain Future; 15 Trends Shaping the Future of Higher Educationa and more!

Free Resources to Help with Remote Learning in 2021

As the pandemic continues bringing change to higher education through the academic year, faculty, instructional designers and IT professionals are being more selective about the technology they choose for instructing and engaging students. While hundreds of education companies, nonprofits and other organizations made their software and services free during the immediate switch to remote learning, many have become more thoughtful about how they help educators master online and blended instruction. We've winnowed through our original collection and sprinkled additions throughout, to bring you this updated set of free resources to help with remote learning in 2021.

Better, Faster, Stronger: How Learning Engineering Aims to Transform Education

In university labs and edtech startups across the country, researchers are trying to crack the code of what it would take to improve education on a large scale.

Their field, called “learning engineering,” is interdisciplinary, drawing on psychology, education, artificial intelligence, engineering and computer science. Their goals are to help make high-quality education accessible, affordable and effective on a grand scale. It's a world of personalized tutors, carefully-timed nudges, A/B testing of teaching materials—and even the occasional android teaching assistant.

This ongoing series looks at the promise and challenges of transforming teaching and learning informed by a spirit of engineering.

Assessment Strategies For Effective Learning

Learning is an integral part of our life. In a classroom, it becomes a demanding process. It requires active participation from both ends. This continuous involvement is necessary to produce effective results. The entire learning process needs to be verified at regular intervals. It will allow us to generate good results. Furthermore, these verifications allow us to upgrade and update the process. As a result, desirable results can be achieved. Various forms of assessment are used for this verification. They are called Assessment Strategies.

Books, Periodicals & Newsletter

eBook: Deep Learning for Dummies

Demystify deep learning with this guide for dummies. In this online edition of the popular For Dummies series of reference books, learn everything you need to know to succeed with AI and deep learning.

eBook: Cyber Gyaan  

This eBook, an useful guidebook provides essential  knowledge on Cybersecurity is  from End Now Foundation, a non-profit organization, promoting Internet Ethics and Digital Wellness to evoke Responsible Online Behavioural Patterns amongst "Women , Teens and Children".

IEEE Computer Society Newsletters

IEEE Computer Society publishes  the following five newsletter to keep one abreast of developments happening around. 

Build Your Career: Published biweekly, offers the latest career development news, job trends, and advice to guide today’s computing professional.

ComputingEdge: This biweekly eNewsletter informs subscribers of the latest technology news, peer-reviewed research, and practical articles from industry.

INSIDER:  It brings you into the happenings of the Computer Society, highlighting the accomplishments, activities and innovations of our members.

Software Engineering: It provides peer-reviewed articles and blogs by real-world experts from all aspects of the industry, government, and education.

University Spotlight: It  showcases university programs in electrical and computer engineering, computing science, information technology, and business administration.

Subscription to these newsletters are  free. To view the sample issue of these newsletters and to subscribe pl visit

Worth Knowing

How Do You Make An Integrated Circuit?

The integrated circuit, a chip of silicon smaller than a fingernailand packed with billions of transistors, powers the modern world. But how is this incredible device made?

19 Great Inventions That Revolutionized History

Here is a list of some of the best inventions in history, ideas and concepts that reshaped humanity.

The Most Infectious Diseases in Human History and the Vaccines That Saved Us

Smallpox, polio and measles ravaged mankind, but vaccines we developed stopped them in their tracks.


7 Technologies That Could Help Solve the Drinking Water Crisis

The global issues with clean water are no match for these technologies.

5 Well Engineered Water Purification Systems Combating the Global Water Crisis

The following engineered products are helping bring clean water to people around the world.

Outside the Box Solutions to Water Shortage Issues from Startups Worldwide

Companies are working hard to address our upcoming water scarcity issues.

Health & Wellness

The 7 types of rest that every person needs

Sleep and rest are not the same thing, although many of us incorrectly confuse the two.

We go through life thinking we’ve rested because we have gotten enough sleep — but in reality we are missing out on the other types of rest we desperately need. The result is a culture of high-achieving, high-producing, chronically tired and chronically burned-out individuals. We’re suffering from a rest deficit because we don’t understand the true power of rest.

Rest should equal restoration in seven key areas of your life.

100 Tips For A Better Life

Why our fast-paced society loves yoga

This ancient practice is not only a fitness regimen, but science shows it's also an antidote to modern stress.


The Ultimate Guide to Telecom Terminology

Management & Self Development

8 Ways to Improve Time Management

Being good at managing your time will help you avoid stress and produce high-quality work. Here are 8 easy steps to take control of your day and become a time management pro.


Doing the right thing: The rise of ethics in tech

Ethics are no longer a “nice to have” in the tech industry. Lack them, and it will deeply impact your business. Four experts talk about the responsible use of technology and what that means.


5 Things to Know About Research Papers

We all work so hard in the area of expertise and innovate many things world should know but why we all do not publish research papers ?? Might be not well aware of various things associated with this.

IRAI Quiz -- 210121

1. The four principles of OOP include: Inheritance, Polymorphism, Reusability & ------------ 

2. Swift is a compiled programming language developed by Apple/Google

3. Google : App Engine = Red Hat: ------------ 

4. Which law asserts that the value of a network is proportional to the square of its connected users?

5. Name the  the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications company aiming to provide broadband connectivity worldwide to bridge digital divide,  which is led by an Indian Telco Bharti. 

6. Caribou was the original code name of  the popular service ----------

7. National Mathematics Day is celebrated every year on ---------  on the  birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan to honor his contributions in the field of mathematics. 

8. The 5 action phases of design thinking include: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and --------

9. Tesla is setting up it's Indian office in Bangalore / Chennai

10. RPA is an IT project. State True / False

Answers at the end.

Forthcoming Events

30th Jan -- Experimental AI for Social Good.

6th Feb -- Educational Reforms -- Education on Demand -- NEP 2020 and Beyond.

13th Feb -- Stitching Experience Design into Agile Methodology

20th Feb -- Value Based IT Solutions Delivery Through Disciplined Agile

27th Feb --  Mobile Forensics and Cyber Crime Investigations

For pdf invite, presentation & speaker details of events in:

Jan 2021:

Feb 2021:

For additional events in 

Jan 2021:

Feb 2021:


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Answers to IRAI Quiz -- 210121

1. Encapsulation

2. Apple

3. OpenShift

4. Metcalfe's Law

5. OneWeb

6. Gmail

7. December 22

8. Test

9. Bangalore

10. False