Leaders attract people to follow them. They have perfected the art of getting
others to do something because they—the followers—want to do it. Much has
been written on how leaders do this. In all the research and observations it
appears that ten traits separate great leaders from their peers.
1. Ability to Create a Compelling Vision. Leaders focus on the future.
They have a clear picture of what they want the organization to
become. They are excited about the future and don’t waste time
dealing with the past.
2. Ability to Articulate Their Vision to Others. Leaders have an ability
to describe that future state in words and feelings that captivate and
galvanize those around them. They constantly share their views of the
world with those who look to them for guidance.
3. Consistency. Great leaders don’t change with the wind. They are
flexible and open to new ideas, but they tend to be constant in their
beliefs and values. Once they have articulated their visions, they keep
on track without getting distracted by competing temptations. They
tend not to buy in to the ‘‘flavor of the month’’ program only to chop
and change at the slightest sign of a roadblock.
4. Humility. High achievers have justifiable pride in their accomplishments.
Leaders are human—they make mistakes. But they are not
afraid to admit it when they go wrong. They are good listeners. They
are as interested as learning from others as they are in sharing their
own thoughts. Humble people also appreciate feedback. They thrive
on learning when they’ve done well. And they’re interested in learning
from their mistakes so that they can do better.
5. Focus. Leaders focus on key results. They are not distracted by trivia.
Whatever they do, they complete with excellence.
6. Tenacity. Leaders anticipate problems and work diligently until they
overcome obstacles.
7. Holistic Thinking. Leaders can see the big picture as well as the
interrelationship among the parts.
8. Strategic Thinking. Leaders have an eye on the future. They spend
little time thinking about the ‘‘good old days.’’ They have a clear
sense of what they should do to anticipate and meet future challenges.
9. Agile Minds. Leaders learn quickly. They observe everything around
them and ask lots of questions so that they can become more proficient
in their knowledge and skills. They are adaptable. Future leaders
can modify their behavior to find quick acceptance from people in a
variety of situations and with people at all levels of an organization.
10. Aversion to Tyranny. Leaders are fair-minded and avoid taking
abusive advantage of people and situations.
Extract from the book: The Leader’s Tool Kit Hundreds of Tips and Techniques for
Developing the Skills You Need by Cy Charney