Saturday, 1 March 2025

Online Prelims Updates -- IEEE CS Madras Mega ICT Quiz

IEEE CS Madras Mega ICT Quiz 

Online Prelims Test 

Login Credentials, Guidelines & Instructions 

About the Online Prelims Test

The Online Prelims Online Test will be held with the support of our tech partner INFOCAREER - an online platform for tests and assessments.

This Online Prelims Test is Internet-based.  You can take it on a PC/Laptop or Mobile Phone (preferable)

As indicated in our announcement, there is no specific syllabus for the prelims test. The questions will cover history, concepts, developments, trends and current affairs in information and communication technologies (ICT). 

It will have 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQ) with four answer options to each question.

The duration of the Online Prelims Test is 30 minutes during which 200 MCQs will have to be answered sequentially. Pl note there is no compulsion to answer all. Try to answer to the maximum extent possible.

As soon as 30 minutes are over from the time you start answering the test, your test will be automatically submitted. Hence, try to answer maximum number of questions without losing time.

All participants will login the portal through an UserID & Password.

Pl note the words Test and Exam are used interchangeably. This means Test and Exam means the same.

Login Credentials

Test Portal address:

Login UserID:  Your email id (as given at the registration) 

Login Password: Your 10-digit mobile no (as given at the registration)

Day & Date of the test: Tuesday, 4th Mar 2025

Time of the test: From 7.00 pm to 7.30 pm IST

Test Guidelines

The portal will open for login at 7.00 pm IST on Tuesday, 4th Mar 2025.

Please login to the portal with your UserID & Password  (Your email ID & 10 digit mobile)

If the UserID and Password are correctly entered, the login will be successful and the test welcome screen will appear.

After login

Select View Exams.  This will display the available Exams. Only ICT Quiz (Prelims) will be seen.

Click the Start Exam button.

A Caution and Instructions message will appear — read it carefully and click Okey button to begin the test.

The test questions will start getting displayed with 4 answer options in radio button. You can select only one correct answer.

The question no being answered will be displayed along with the question. 

Also on the top right hand side you will see the time still available to complete/submit the test 

The questions will appear one by one in a random order with random answer options. (The order of display of questions and answer options will be different for different participants)

Answers the questions by selecting the correct option from one of the four options.

At the bottom of the question,  click on the Greater Than  (>) button  to go to the next question (Pl note that  there is no option to go back to answer earlier the questions)

Continue the test till all or max of 200 questions are displayed one by one.

Please note that you will not be able to go back while answering the questions. Only going forward is allowed using the Right Arrow/ Greater Than (>) button . This means, if you do not answer a question, it is as good as you are skipping the question. (It is a trade-off between time and trying to answer things correctly)

As soon as the 200th question is answered,  you will not able to proceed further with the test. The Right Arrow/ Greater Than (>) button will not be clickable.

At this point of time, you have completed all the 200 questions and ready to submit the test.

The Submit button is at the top right hand corner. To see the Submit button, in some mobiles, you may have to slightly scroll down.

Pl select the Submit button at top right hand  and  submit the test.

A confirmation screen will appear  stating that your Exam has been submitted.

A message "The results will be announced shortly." will also be displayed.

While the above is the normal condition, when  you answer all the 200 questions the following exception is possible.

If the time taken by you to answer the questions exceeds 30 minutes, the test will be automatically closed and submitted. This is a forced submit and exit from the test. All questions answered will be taken into consideration.

Just 5 minutes before the scheduled close of 30 minutes ( after elapsing 25 minutes from the time of starting the test) an alert message will appear. Just acknowledge and go ahead.

System Related Guidelines

The test is mobile browser based. It is preferable to Use Chrome mobile browser.

(Pl disable notifications / promotional messages, plugins etc  as they may interrupt and abruptly close/submit the test)

Please ensure that the browser and other required system processes are run in the background.

Please ensure you have a good network connectivity and make sure that the system doesn't get disconnected from the Internet.

Announcement of Results

Once you complete and submit the test,  your performance in the test will get automatically included in the test database.

For every correct answer, one point will be given. There is no negative point for wrong answers.

The participants will be ranked in the order of “opted / allotted zone center” & “total points/score”

The top six will be shortlisted for each opted/allotted zone center for participating in the Zonal Orals round to be held subsequently in physical (in-person) mode. Suitable criteria will be followed if points/scores are tied.

The list of participants shortlisted to take the Zonal Orals round will be announced at This may take few days.

The shortlisted participants (basically  contestants) will also receive emails regarding the Zonal Orals round to be held at different zonal centres.

All the others, who have taken the Online Prelims Test will get a "Certificate of Participation” for which, the details to access the certificates will be shared separately.

Reference & Contacts

General queries can be sent to  While we try to respond as early as possible, pl note there could be some delay in responses. 

For any pressing issues related to Test /Exam Portal, you may contact any of the following three Help Desk people from our tech partner. They will be available on the test date, Tuesday, 4th Mar 2025 from 6.30 pm to  7.45 pm IST. 

1. UmaShankar-  9150058942

2. Anandhi - 9150058955

3. Britto - 9500140084

For any pressing issues related to Quiz questions, you may contact: Mr. H.R. Mohan, Chair - Events & Past Chair, IEEE CS. Phone: 9841432179 

For your reference, the Online Prelims Test  login credentials, guidelines & instructions are also available online at

Whatsapp Group for Queries to Support Team 

The participants who face technical difficulties in login or using the portal, may consider joining the whatsapp group at and post your queries / messages to be addressed by the support team.

Pl limit to posts related to the technical queries regarding login or using the portal.