IRAI Quiz -- 220701
1. Before the rapid growth of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, a protocol called ----------- briefly made the internet easy to use by combining the world’s online resources
2. “zillion” is an actual number like million, billion & trillion. State True or False
3. Who said this: "I have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don’t think AI will transform in the next several years"
4. Gen Z people are younger than Millennials. True or False?
5. The act of remotely accessing unlicensed software, known as -------------
6. In Texas, lies a street called East 17th Street. It is a lively beautiful street with huge houses. But what's most notable about all these houses?
7. US: FANG = China: --------
8. ------------ is Amazon’s new cashierless technology built on the proprietary tech behind Amazon Go stores which allows customers to walk in, pick up items, and walk out, all while accurately tracking selections in a virtual shopping cart and charging credit cards appropriately at the end
9. In the James Bond movie -------------- Bond is pitted against Max Zorin, who plans to destroy California's Silicon Valley
10. ---------------- are video, audio and image content generated by artificial intelligence. This technology can produce false images, videos or sounds of a person, place or event that appear authentic.
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