Thursday, 21 April 2022

IRAI Quiz -- 220421

 IRAI Quiz -- 220421

1. Java EE  has been renamed as  ------------- after Oracle handed over it to Eclipse Foundation

2. Rasberry PI, a popular SBC (Single Board Computer) which completed 10 years of development,  was developed by Raspberry Pi Foundation in association with Broadcom in -------- (UK/USA)

3. As on 15th Apr 2022, there are two hectocorns -- startups valued over $100 billions. They are ByteDance and -----------

4. Expand XAI

5. 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits is equal to one -------------

6. IPv6 has a loopback address, too. Fully written out it is 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001, though that is usually truncated to -------- for convenience.

7. ----------------   aka ------------ is the first ever known malware specifically designed to attack electrical grids. It was framework considered to have been used in the cyberattack on Ukraine’s power grid on December 17, 2016

8. Which comes first?  QC or QA

9. "A Penguin Said That Nobody Drinks Pepsi" & "A Priest Saw Two Nuns Doing Pushups" are mnemonics to remember a widely popular model. Name it.

10. The term DLT  -- Digital Ledger Technology, is associated with Blockchain in the current context, during yesteryears, it was associated with -------------

For answers  pl visit

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