How Psychological Safety at Work Creates Effective Software Tech Teams That Learn and Grow
This article provides the foundations of psychological safety and shows how it has been applied for team effectiveness. It explores how psychological safety supports learning and improvement and how we can foster a psychologically safe culture in tech teams.
25+ Tips For Getting a Job After College
Well, I just finished college. Now, I need to find my first job for my post-college life. Here's how I'm conducting my post-graduation job search.
Software Engineering – Then, Now, and Next
Mary Poppendieck discusses how software engineering has been changed by the scale and speed required of digital companies in the past, now, and in the future.
A Student's Guide to Startups
Till recently graduating seniors had two choices: get a job or go to grad school. I think there will increasingly be a third option: to start your own startup. But how common will that be?
9 of the Best Project Ideas for ECE Students in their Final Year
Nowadays, the appetite for strong development in technology has led to the demand for uniqueness and innovations. The demand has led to the development of various applications and ideas. Colleges offering ECE engineering allow the students to get the best project done for their final year so that they can recommend their profile to the top recruiters.
Proper knowledge and understanding of the latest electronics technologies are crucial to enhancing credibility and developing primary projects for ECE students. Here, we show you the best final-year projects you can use for your ECE engineering.
55+ emerging IoT technologies you should have on your radar (2022 update)
IoT Analytics identified 58 technologies that people working on IoT projects should have on their radar: 21 in IoT software, 21 in IoT hardware, and 16 in IoT connectivity.
Of the 58 technologies on the radar, only a few are classified as nearing maturity, fairly mature, or mainstream—many of them are still further out and will need time to reach mass market maturity.
The radar helps anyone working in IoT environments and projects understand which technologies they should be watching, evaluating, and perhaps deploying.
Tool Could Predict How at Risk Your Job is From Automation
Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Lausanne in Switzerland have designed an algorithm to predict how at risk specific occupations are from automation. The automation risk index (ARI) reviews how many requirements in a job description can be performed by a robot compared to a human, ranks the importance of these skills, and evaluates robots' currently abilities to perform them. In the ARI's ranking of 967 jobs listed in the Occupation Information Network database, physicists were determined to be the profession safest from automation, while meatpackers and slaughterhouse workers were found to be at greatest risk. The researchers also established a publicly available resilience index that users can search to find automation risks associated with job titles, as well as jobs with lower risks.
AI-Driven Testing: Bridging the Software Automation Gap
Software testing is expensive. Through up-front and recurring investment in labor and assets, organizations spend roughly half of their engineering budget on testing activities. The good news is that automated testing efforts have begun to improve through recent advances in AI and machine learning. With this report, you'll learn how AI-driven approaches are helping organizations overcome problems that traditional automated testing tools can't touch.
Retailers, meet me in the metaverse
In the Retail Technology Vision 2022 report, we explore how today’s technology innovations are becoming the building blocks of our collective future. These four trends -- WebMe, The Programmable World, The Unreal, and Computing the Impossible -- investigate the entire continuum, from the virtual to the physical, across humans and machines alike, identifying where ambitious retailers can find rich opportunities by uprooting themselves from today and planting themselves firmly in the future.
Data Patterns for the Edge: Data Localization, Privacy Laws, and Performance
With growing competition to get data that power experiences to the end-user closer and closer and the advent of local data privacy laws, let's look at different enterprise data patterns like “synchronous data retrieval”, “subsequent data retrieval” and “prefetch data retrieval” on data center.
Is Microlearning a Concept, Method, or Product? It’s all 3!
Microlearning is still ambiguous to some, as it has been since it started trending. The more I talk and teach microlearning design principles, the more I see the disconnects on how its purpose and potential are perceived and its principles applied.
Part of the reason is that many want microlearning to be just a thing, a tangible item. The other part is that most who want to use microlearning want it to conform to what they already know about designing and creating training.
Electronic Waste Reduction Through Devices and Printed Circuit Boards Designed for Circularity
The development of printed circuit boards (PCBs) has so far followed a traditional linear economy value chain, leading to high volumes of waste production and loss of value at the end-of-life. Consequentially, the electronics industry requires a transition to more sustainable practices. This review article presents an overview of the potential solutions and new opportunities that may arise from the greater use of emerging sustainable materials and resource-efficient manufacturing. A brief contextual summary about how the international management of waste PCBs (WPCBs) and legalization have evolved over the past 20 years is presented along with a review of the existing materials used in PCBs. The environmental and human health assessments of these materials relative to their usage with PCBs are also explained. This enables the identification of which ecofriendly materials and new technologies will be needed to improve the sustainability of the industry. Following this, a comprehensive analysis of existing WPCB processing is presented. Finally, a detailed review of potential solutions is provided, which has been partitioned by the use of emerging sustainable materials and resource-efficient manufacturing. It is hoped that this discussion will transform existing manufacturing facilities and inform policies, which currently focus on waste management, toward waste reduction and zero waste.
Bot Can Spot Depressed Twitter Users in 9 of 10 Cases
An algorithm developed by researchers at Brunel University London and the University of Leicester in the U.K. can ascertain a person's mental state by extracting and analyzing 38 data points from their public Twitter profile. The researchers trained the bot on two databases containing thousands of users' Twitter histories, and additional data about their mental health. It excluded all users with fewer than five tweets, then corrected for misspellings and abbreviations in the remaining profiles using natural language software. The algorithm identified depression with 88.39% accuracy in one of the datasets, and 70.69% in the other. Said Brunel's Abdul Sadka, “It's not 100% accurate, but I don't think at this level any machine learning solution can achieve 100% reliability. However, the closer you get to the 90 percent figure, the better.”
The big idea: should we get rid of the scientific paper?
As a format it’s slow, encourages hype, and is difficult to correct. A radical overhaul of publishing could make science better
Volunteers Scramble to Preserve Ukraine’s Digital Culture
They’re looking for posters, programs, music, and more; they’re storing them on cloud servers, old laptops, and Raspberry Pi systems
IEEE Computer Society Region 10 Newsletter for January – March 2022 – Now Available!
The 82-page newsletter offers insights on topics ranging from historical importance, such as Looking Back Through the Era of Punched Card by Debasish Jana, to subjects that will define our future, like the Metaverse (Exploring the Metaverse by T.A. Balasubramanian). We also have articles on security, intelligent transportation systems, careers, quantum internet, etc.
You can access the newsletter below:
In modular form,
As a full issue (82 pages),
Please provide your valuable feedback by email at
Website: O*Net Online
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, developers, researchers, and more!
Find, search, or browse across 900+ occupations based on your goals and needs. Then use comprehensive reports to learn about requirements, characteristics, and available opportunities for your selected occupation.
Take advantage of the customized OnLine Help feature available throughout the site.
InfoQ presentations with transcripts
InfoQ is a practitioner-driven global community serving the information needs of senior developers, technical team leads, software architects, and project managers. It regularly hosts presentations and publishes the proceedings -- both recordings & transcripts. For the entire archives pl visit the site.
Videos: TED Talks: How to live with robots
As machines grow ever more intelligent, they're emerging not just as powerful tools, but close companions. These talks -- while offering some whizzy demos -- examine how robots are becoming an intimate part of our lives. 10 talks
10 beginner-friendly exercises you can do at home right now
You don't have to buy a lot of equipment to start a home exercise routine. Try this beginner-friendly workout with some of the best exercises for beginners.
Forthcoming Events
29th Apr 2022 at 6 pm IST. Virtual event for the launch of the book “The Maverick Effect:The Inside Story of INDIA’S IT REVOLUTION" (
14th May 2022 at 2 pm IST. Webinar on Game Theory and AI for Industrial Management Systems. Register at: https:/
28th May 2022 at 6 pm IST. Webinar on Quantum Computing and Machine Learning. Register at:
11th Jun 2022 at 6 pm IST. Webinar on Edge Intelligence for IoT Applications. Register at:
For details of the above events:
For other events in Apr 2022:
IRAI Quiz -- 220421
1. Java EE has been renamed as ------------- after Oracle handed over it to Eclipse Foundation
2. Rasberry PI, a popular SBC (Single Board Computer) which completed 10 years of development, was developed by Raspberry Pi Foundation in association with Broadcom in -------- (UK/USA)
3. As on 15th Apr 2022, there are two hectocorns -- startups valued over $100 billions. They are ByteDance and -----------
4. Expand XAI
5. 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits is equal to one -------------
6. IPv6 has a loopback address, too. Fully written out it is 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001, though that is usually truncated to -------- for convenience.
7. ---------------- aka ------------ is the first ever known malware specifically designed to attack electrical grids. It was framework considered to have been used in the cyberattack on Ukraine’s power grid on December 17, 2016
8. Which comes first? QC or QA
9. "A Penguin Said That Nobody Drinks Pepsi" & "A Priest Saw Two Nuns Doing Pushups" are mnemonics to remember a widely popular model. Name it.
10. The term DLT -- Digital Ledger Technology, is associated with Blockchain in the current context, during yesteryears, it was associated with -------------
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