Tuesday 22 March 2022

Apr 2022 -- Forthcoming Events

Please find details of few select forthcoming events announced during Apr 2022.

Pl register and get benefited. 

With regards  -- HR Mohan


Events Summary

30th Apr 2022 at 3 pm IST. DELNET presents a webinar on "Tools and Strategies for Countering Information Overload" by Dr. Sangeeta Kaul, Director, DELNET. Register at https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/958317165207624971

Completed Events

2nd Apr 2022 at 6.30 pm IST. InnovaSpace, UK, Apollo Telemedicine Network and Global Assn of Physicians of Indian Origin jointly present a webinar on "Role of Metaverse in Healthcare" by eminent medical & technology professionals. Join the Zoom meeting using https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82407884492

5th Apr 2022 at 1 pm EDT. IEEE Education presents a session on "IEEE Education: Why Lifelong Learning is an Essential Part of Your Professional Home" by Dr. K.J. Ray Liu, 2022 IEEE President & CEO. Register at https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3643947/9FE428F681BC0DF727B1AC2601F3C246?partnerref=IEW

5th Apr 2022 at 9 am EST. IEEE Computer Society presents a webinar on "IEEE Standards on Deep Learning-based Assessment for Virtual Experiences" by Sanghoon Lee, Professor, Yonsei University, South Korea. Register at https://bit.ly/3MBp7pi

1-10 Apr 2022. Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER), Chennai.  International Virtual Hackathon “Hack@SRET” on the theme “AI for ALL” (Artificial Intelligence for All). For details and to register https://www.sret.edu.in/hack-sret.html

2-8 Apr 2022. India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) & Industry Network Technology Council (INTC) will be organizing the 5th iteration of "Connections" as a joint India-US fully online event. For details & to register https://www.connections.iiesoc.in

The timing of the event would be 19:30 India, 14:00 UTC, 10:00 ET, 07:00 PT for 2.5 hours each day.The day-wise schedule is -

* April 2nd, Saturday - a pre-Event focused on hearing directly from IETFers and exchanging stories
* April 4th, Monday - a keynote where we bring experts like Bob Hinden and Dr. Paul Vixie talking about IPv6 and DNS
* April 5th, Tuesday - all about IPv6 extension headers with talks from Nalini Elkins and Geoff Huston and a panel discussion moderated by Eric Vyncke
* April 6th, Wednesday - Hot in Networking with talks from Martin Thomson, Adrian Farrel, and Dirk Trossen on Oblivious HTTP, Semantic Routing, and COIN.
* April 7th, Thursday - IoT with Carsten Bormann providing a full IoT Landscape and Pascal Thubert / Georgios Z. Papadopoulos kicking off the MOOC webinar series on IoT. We also have a panel discussion on IoT deployments.
* April 8th, Friday - Beyond IETF with talks on other SDOs, Wifi, device management, and 5G private networks from Barbara Stark, Lincoln Lavoie, Jason Walls, and Satish Jamadagni respectively.

4-8 Apr 2022. IEEE Education Week. Several virtual events are organised during this period. For details & to register visit https://educationweek.ieee.org/events/

7th Apr 2022 at 11 am EDT. IEEE Academy of IoT presents a webinar on "The Internet of Things: Use Cases, Applications, and Key Elements" by Dr. Xiang Sun, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico and Sasitharan (Sasi) Balasubramaniam, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Register at https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3722107/711665A5F91DB7A47215B2AA7E85C5B5

7th Apr 2022 at 11 am EST. IEEE Computer Society presents a webinar on "Five to Thrive in the Workplace" by Elsa Velasco Paul, Founder, The M & E Group. Register at https://bit.ly/3MBp7pi

7th Apr 2022 at 11 am EDT. IoT M2M Council presents a panel discussion on  "Lead the 5G Forward: Laying the Foundation for Mission-critical Communications". Panelists: Jason Inskeep, Director at 5G Center of Excellence, AT&T; Brian Richardson, VP Product Line, Fibocom; Joey Zhao, Business Development Director, PC Division, Fibocom; and Aaron Howse, Director of Marketing - IoT Infrastructure, beamLive, Inc. Moderator: Fred Yentz, CEO & Founder, IoT Launch LLC. Register at https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3679531/04539CA389EB8D6C765E66D488B1C881

7th Apr 2022 at 4 pm GMT. IndustryWeek-hosted and  Mendix sponsored webinar on "Digital execution at the speed of innovation with Cloud-Native Low-Code". Presenters: Sebastian Bersch, Director Manufacturing Cloud, Mendix, a Siemens Business and Joseph Rosing, Global Smart Manufacturing GTM, Solutions Leader, Amazon Web Services (AWS). Register at https://www.industryweek.com/home/webinar/21235040/digital-execution-at-the-speed-of-innovation-with-cloudnative-lowcode

8th Apr 2022 at 9 am EDT. IEEE Tech Talk on "How Technical Standards Shape My Career" by Dr Nada Golmie, Fellow in the Communications,  Technology Laboratory, NIST and Dr Edward Au, Distinguished Engineer, Huawei Technologies Canada Co. Ltd. Register at https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3683409/588636060A65D5C8065C6C4620EBFDA9

12th Apr 2022 at 9.30 IST. Qlik presentation a webinar on "Fueling Enterprise Growth Through Data Literacy -- The Vital Move From Passive to Active Analytics" by  Dr. Paul Barth, Global Head of Data Literacy, Qlik; Daniel Castro, Director, Center for Data Innovation; and Josh Good, Vice President, Product Marketing Data Analytics, Qlik. Register at https://pages.qlik.com/APC_DataLiteracyWebinar_Reg.html

12th Apr 2022 at 2.30 pm IST. Bright Talk & Citrix present a webinar on "IT Security in a Hybrid World: How Secure are You?" by Gerard Lavin, Citrix; Ash Hunt, Sanne Group ; and MK Palmore, Google Cloud. Register at https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/17266/531456

14th Apr 2022 at 12 pm EST. ACM Tech Talks on "Instant Memory Training for Tech Success - The ABCs and 123s for Developing a Powerful Memory" by Chester Santos, International Man of Memory & widely regarded to be the world’s leading memory skills expert. Register at https://acm-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hCj-Fp0TQZCgdhhXxr_NYw

16th Apr 2022. Cyber Society of India presents a one day  free awareness workshop on "Don’t Get Cheated by Online Fraudsters”. Event agenda at https://cysi.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/20220331_Agenda.pdf Register at https://forms.gle/1SP4Lbe7fuHjpvD4A

18th Apr 2022 at 6 pm IST. CSI Chennai, IEEE CS Madras & ACM Chennai jointly present a webinar on "Agile Scrum Deployment for Business Gains" by Ms. Rama Bedarkar, Agile Scrum Practitioner and Consultant, Author of the book "Agile Scrum: Improving Practices for Business Gains". PDF Invite at: https://bit.ly/3NLFbFs Register at: https://bit.ly/38pPizO Note: All registered participants will receive a free copy of Chapter 1 of the book "Agile Scrum: Improving Practices for Business Gains" in pdf format from the publisher Wiley India.

18th Apr 2022 at 11 am IST. Internet Society, Hyderabad presents a webinar on "IPv6 Migration: Need, Issues, and Process"  by by Dr. Mohit P Tahiliani, Asst. Prof. Dept. of CSE, NITK Surathkal, Ms. Nalini Elkins, President, INTC, CEO, Inside Products, Inc., & Mr. Dhruv Dhody, President, IIESoc. Register at https://lnkd.in/gGQzEfSw

19th Apr 2022 at 5.30 pm IST. CSI-IEI, Trichy presents a webinar on "Think Big to Grow Big" by Dr. S Satyanarayana, Former Principal Director, Central Institute of Tool Design, Hyderabad. Join the event using https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86133377430?pwd=cE9SY0FKQVUrNUpsRFJ3U1BiNk15Zz09

Meeting ID: 861 3337 7430
Passcode: 678184

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/hdVQtQqthCw

20th Apr 2022 at 5 pm ET US. ACM Baltimore Chapter Seminar on "35 Years of Protecting the Internet and AI for Cybersecurity". Zoom link to join: https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1607818310?pwd=blp5YWptSFdkY2JRWHJldGhVU1E1dz09

Tiny URL: bit.ly/ACM-Baltimore-20April

ID: 160 781 8310 
Password: 468284

21st Apr 2022 at 7 pm IST. KelpHR and ILA POSH webinar on "Cost of PoSH non-compliance to an Organization" Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pcOusqjItHNJKR7X_e9rx3_mzDyW7lLQk

21st Apr 2022 at 7 pm GMT. GE Digital sponsored Industry Week webinar on "How to Reduce Costs and Support Analytics" by Steve Pavlosky, Director, Product Management – Industrial Data Management, GE Digital. Register at https://www.industryweek.com/home/webinar/21236536/cloudbased-ot-data-management-to-reduce-costs-and-support-analytics

21st Apr 2022 at 4 pm IST. Dell Technologies CIO Club – Supported by CIO Association of India presents a virtual CIO Meet on "CIO Role in Enabling Sustainability and achieving ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) Goals". Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4H1oNeVOQZ6nh_VwzRa9rA

21st Apr 2022 at 11.30 pm IST. Webinar on "The Alternative Payments Predicament: To Accept or Not Accept". Register at https://event.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1540872&tp_key=9ddbf186ad&mkt_tok=NTI2LVBDQy05NzQAAAGDx5GRu5CbYTMfjsDKx6L7Jg8zc9Lllf-YYHnDOHAAfNGKLchh7fkvmlyOOh9Z7vAX8o57uA0l9wNDWg1KGA5hQ7QDbbId5T3vvT1mHr1fpg

21st Apr 2022 at 3 pm IST. L&T EduTech presents a webinar on "Evolving Career Opportunities in IT/ITES & Future Skills For Young Engineers". Register at https://lntedutech.com/upcoming-webinar-registration-form/

25th Apr 2022 at 3 pm IST. Bureau of Indian standards presents a webinar on  "METAVERSE - The future of Internet".  Join the event using the link: https://bisindia.webex.com/bisindia/j.php?MTID=m881f2bf75b0226e201011c25e77e8449

Webinar number: 2510 503 6503
Webinar password: QJwxXvwU363

26-27 Apr 2022. Free PEX Network Online Event. "Enhancing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of End-to-End Processes". For details and to register https://www.processexcellencenetwork.com/events-pex-live-digital-process-automation

27th Apr 2022 at 11 am EST. IEEE Computer Society presents a webinar on "Emotional Intelligence Part II" by Adam Schmidt,  CEO & Principal Coach, Smart Summit Coaching, LLC. Register at https://bit.ly/3MBp7pi

27th Apr 2022 at 7 am IST. Fast Data Strategy Virtual Summit 2022 APAC on "Data Democratization with a Logical Data Fabric". For details and to register https://www.denodo.com/en/denodo-session/fast-data-strategy-virtual-summit-2022-apac

27th Apr 2022 at 10 am ET.  Sierra Wireless presents a webinar on "How to Overcome the Key Challenges When Deploying IoT". Register at https://www.sierrawireless.com/register/overcome-challenges-when-deploying-iot/

28th Apr 2022 at 5 pm IST. ICFOSS --  FOSS Entrepreneurship Forum presents a session on "ERPNext" by Mr. Rushabh Mehta, Founder, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Join the event at https://bbb.icfoss.org/b/anj-6ji-a0m-jwj

28th Apr 2022 at 11 am EST. IEEE Computer Society presents a webinar on "Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection" by Nancy Mead, Software Engineering Institute (SEI), and Carnegie Mellon University. Register at https://bit.ly/3MBp7pi

28th Apr 2022 at 4.30 am IST. (27th Apr 2022 at 6 pm CST). ACM Chicago presents a webinar on "NLP Applications: Chatbots and News Feeds; Data Science Insights in Insurance" by Helen Wang, Senior Manager at Waste Management & Sunny Sui, Associate Director at United Healthcare. For more information, visit http://www.meetup.com/ACM-Chicago/

29th Apr 2022 at 6 pm IST. CSI Chennai, IEEE CS Madras & ACM Chennai jointly  present a virtual event for the launch of the book “The Maverick Effect:The Inside Story of INDIA’S IT REVOLUTION” (https://bit.ly/3xc94sK) and a presentation on “Indian IT Industry – Past, Present & Future”. Launch of the book and Felicitation by Prof. D.B. Phatak, Padma Shri Awardee, Prof. Emeritus, IIT Bombay, Open-Source Evangelist & Fellow, Computer Society of India & Presentation on “Indian IT Industry – Past, Present & Future” by Mr. Harish Mehta, Author of "The Maverick Effect", Founder, Onward Technologies, Founder Member & First Chairman, NASSCOM & Fellow, Computer Society of India. Register at: https://bit.ly/376V8ph

29th Apr 2022 at 4 pm IST. IEEE Life Members Affinity Group. Virtual talk on “Building Career through Right Education” by Dr. Shashikant V. Albal, Director, SSN Institutions, Chennai. Register at  https://forms.gle/GqfjrknscdZ6GPS9A

29th Apr 2022 at 5 pm IST. NASSCOM presents a master class on  “Metaverse: Hype or the Next Big thing?” by Aan Chauhan, Chief Technology Officer, Mindtree. Register at https://nasscom-in.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_chdBomBFQ6KEomCxmNUsKQ