Friday, 22 June 2012

Top 10 Enterprise Applications for Public Clouds

While there are exceptions, that organizations use the public cloud for core operations, Data security, privacy and concerns about hosting their data possibly alongside their competitors on the public cloud have prevented many organizations from making more use of the public cloud than they would otherwise.

At the same time, CEOs and CFOs are becoming aware of the pay-as-you-go model of the public cloud, and they are looking to CIOs and senior IT management to determine how and where their organizations can use the public cloud, even if it's not for mission critical applications.

Fortunately, a number of applications within any organization completely skirt the concerns mentioned above and are eminently suitable for public cloud implementations or pilots. The following 10 apps are "public cloud ready."

1. Development and Testing
2. Development Platform Services
3. Training Servers
4. One-time Big Data Projects
5. Websites
6. Customer Relationship Management
7. Project Management, Expense Reporting and Time Management
8. Email
9. Human Resources
10. Cloud-Based Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus Services

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