Monday, 5 December 2011

Stretches to start off your day

Wake up your body with stretches

Why should you stretch in the morning? Simple stretches in the morning have benefits for both your body and mind. They give you an emotional boost because you have done something positive toward maintaining your body.

Waking up in the morning is not always the most pleasant thing! When accompanied by back discomfort and stiffness, hip or leg pain or just general aches, it becomes even more unpleasant. Sleeping at night causes your muscles to stiffen. The stress of the previous day may also cause some of your muscles to tighten. It is not unusual to wake up in the morning with a stiff neck and shoulders or with a mild low back pain.

Getting our muscles and joints loosened up and limber, without placing a lot of stress on them, is important. Early-morning stretches also realign your spinal column and improve your posture. They are a great way to increase blood flow throughout your body.

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