• Myth 1: If an employee is a high-performer, then their boss should not tell them how to do their job.
• Myth 2: In order to be creative at work, employees need to be left alone to do things their own way.
• Myth 3: Everyone should get special treatment.
• Myth 4: The path to success is catering to the manager’s style and preferences.
• Myth 5: “Making friends” with a boss is smart workplace politics.
• Myth 6: Hiding from mistakes and problems is a good way to avoid trouble.
• Myth 7: No news is good news, but being “coached” is bad news.
• Myth 8: If the manager does not like to read paperwork, then the employee does not need to keep track of their performance in writing.
• Myth 9: If an employee is not a “people person,” then they will have a hard time getting ahead in the workplace.
• Myth 10: Some bosses are just too busy to meet with their employees.
Source: Book "Its Okay to Manage Your Boss: The Step-by-Step Program for Making the Best of Your Most Important Relationship at Work"
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