If you need any clarifications, please email to with the subject as “IEEE CS Madras Mega ICT Quiz”
Contact any one of the following two through WhatsApp (no phone calls/SMS will be entertained)
Dr. S. Koteeswaran, WA: +91 98843 78785
Mr. H. R. Mohan, WA: +91 9841433179
Zonal Centres
The 10-12 Zonal Orals will be held at different centres (given below) across the Madras Section Geography. The host institutions will be the intuitions having a IEEE CS Student Branch Chapter and act as Zonal Representative Institution
You will find below the list of Zones, Zonal Rep Institution, Zonal Representative, Contact mail id & phone number.
The current Zones include
Chennai - 1 - OMR (SSNCE)
Chennai - 2 - GST Road (SSIT)
Chennai - 3 - Bgl HW (REC)
Tiruchengode - 1 (VECW)
Coimbatore (KPRIET)
Madurai (TCE)
Chidambaram (Annamalai University)
Additional zones at the following places are in pipeline to facilitate better engagement among all stakeholders based on the pattern of registration
Chennai - 4
Hosur (Adhiyaman)
Tiruchengode - 2 (KSRCE)
More details such as Reps, Contact details will be updated soon