Cheat Sheets (26) on recruitment, team dynamics, conflict resolution and more
Top 20 skills for 2027
8 reasons people leave jobs & how fix it
10 brutal truth every employer needs to read/know
Quotes on Hiring & Team Building
Five disfunctions of a team
10 hiring hacks every leader should swear by
12 work principles that should be compulsory in any company
How to give feedback -- 4 frameworks for leaders
Obsolete Hiring vs Modern Hiring
How to motivate employees
The ABC of effective hiring
The skills of the future -- 10 on-demand skills on the rise
Mis-Hiring - Cheat Sheet
10 books every HR leader should read (atleast once)
8 Ted Talks every HR leader should watch
How Netflix reinvented HR
The State of Skills-Based Hiring 2023
A brief overview of long history of the CV
Tips to effectively lead remote teams
The 7 test types you need for a strong pre-employment assessment
Resume Tips
ChatGPT Guide for Job Hunting
Six questions to keep (retain) your best people
If your manager says this, you know you have got a keeper
Six proven benefits of putting your employees first
Micromanagement -- The best way to get the LEAST from your team
Autonomy, Influence, Flexibility -- the magic words in today's workplace
In 20 years you will be happy if today was the day you:
12 ChatGPT prompts that will accelerate your career
8 things to say to be more empathetic
8 things to say to be more collaborative
8 things to start saying in Ideation Session