Tuesday, 1 March 2022

IRAI Index -- 220301

Interesting Reads And Information -- IRAI -- 220301

Current Post: IRAI -- 220301: https://bit.ly/3C1DuhO

The current post has links to 30 articles broadly covering subjects like employment, skills, hiring process, work culture, interviews, talent management, employee relations, project management, software engineering, programming, digital distractions, 3G, AI, Education, Regulations, Android, e-commerce, innovation, critical thinking, start-ups, work-life balance

IRAI Quiz -- 220301https://bit.ly/3MbP9PF

IRAI Archiveshttps://lnkd.in/ewR3UdD

Forthcoming Events 

11th Mar 2022 at 4.30 pm IST. Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, ACM Chennai, IEEE CS Madras & CSI Chennai jointly host  a webinar on "Cloud Based IT Solutions for MSMEs" by Mr. S Vijay Venkatesh, Co- Founder and Managing Director, Syscon Solutions Private Limited. Register at https://bit.ly/3BuJ2Bk

Other forthcoming events in Mar 2022https://bit.ly/33WipbY

Articles in the current post

Top metaverse job profiles to look out for in the future

IT careers: 8 essential tips for your first 90 days

Google Hiring Process

IT careers: 10 essential skills for 2022

How Hewlett-Packard defined the startup work culture

What Is 996 Work Culture? – Best Definitions, Origin and Benefits Of 996 Work Culture

Recruitment jargon you’ve heard (but might not understand)

7 telling questions that reveal a candidate’s true potential

How you’re demoralizing your workers (without even knowing it)

8 new rules for winning the IT talent battle

The 13 traits of amazing managers

8 essential skills of elite project managers

To earn more from the skills you already have

5 Stephen Hawking quotes that will change your theories on work

7 Biggest coding blunders that every software engineer must avoid

7 Habits of highly effective programmers

There are challenges but also potential benefits of digital distractions

What is 3G and why is it being shut down? An electrical engineer explains

Android on Windows 11: Is it worth the effort?

Will AI Destroy Education?

China Is About to Regulate AI—and the World Is Watching

The state of grocery retail in India

Killware: What is it and How Can You Protect Yourself?

Disruptive Innovation: The Theory Behind How It Works and Its Impact on Society

Are You Unconventional Enough in Your Thinking?

Twenty-Five Useful Thinking Tools

Office Cliches: An Illustrated Guide

7 micronations (and what small business owners can learn from them)

A brief history of the tie

50 Micro-Habits to Improve Your Life In 2022 Effortlessly

IRAI Quiz -- 220301https://bit.ly/3MbP9PF

Current Post: IRAI -- 220301: https://bit.ly/3C1DuhO

IRAI Archives: https://lnkd.in/ewR3UdD

Feedback: Pl. send  to hrmohan.ieee@gmail.com