Monday, 21 February 2022

Interesting Reads And Information -- IRAI -- 220221


Remote work exhaustion: 13 tips to reduce fatigue

If today's remote workplace leaves you feeling more exhausted than ever, you're not alone. Consider these practical ways to restore your energy and ease the stress

How the Workforce Learns: 15 Key Learnings

Right upskilling of the workforce allows the employees to work more efficiently  and teams to work with a higher standard of agility.

Why employees are quitting and what to do about it

In the new year, the Great Attrition remains top of mind for leaders, as employees continue to leave the workforce or switch jobs in droves: in November alone, roughly 4.5 million US workers voluntarily left their jobs.

Organizations are scrambling to understand why, and quick fixes to retain top talent have fallen flat. Is all hope lost? Explore these insights to understand what it takes to attract, develop, and retain employees, and get up to speed on the issues that matter

Your guide to personal and professional development

It's never too late to start setting your personal and professional goals. Whatever those may be, making a plan and getting intentional is an essential first step. Kick off 2022 with a growth mindset. Dive deeper with key insights on topics that could put you on the path to personal and professional development, including: developing new skills for continuous learning; seeking or providing mentorship; setting your leadership priorities; taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being

IIESoc to launch a new round of IPv6 & IoT training

The India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) is set to expand a series of webinars that will support enterprises and organizations seeking to understand and implement IPv6 in the Asia Pacific.

It can be difficult to encourage enterprises and universities to adopt IPv6. One of the issues is a lack of understanding about the technical aspects of IPv6 among some enterprise technicians. Sometimes, technicians seek training but management does not always see the business case for adoption. These webinars aim to help address this misconception.

Programming Languages to Avoid and Learn in 2022

We speak so many languages but, how many do we actually CODE in?

It is hard to choose just one programming language which is

in demand in job market and will continue to be in — that too with a high pay scale, developer satisfaction and productive! Yes.

and it’s not always that easy to pick one, never will be, :(

there will always be some trade-offs (or is this even a right question to ask?)

“because no programming language is perfect!”

JSON vs XML: What’s the Difference?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format and it completely language independent.

XML (Extensible markup language) was designed to carry data, not to display data. It is a W3C recommendation. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. The design goals of XML focus on simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet. It is a textual data format with strong support via Unicode for different human languages. Although the design of XML focuses on documents, the language is widely used for the representation of arbitrary data structures such as those used in web services.

Deep Learning's Diminishing Returns

The cost of improvement is becoming unsustainable

DEEP LEARNING IS NOW being used to translate between languages, predict how proteins fold, analyze medical scans, and play games as complex as Go, to name just a few applications of a technique that is now becoming pervasive. Success in those and other realms has brought this machine-learning technique from obscurity in the early 2000s to dominance today.

While deep learning's rise may have been meteoric, its future may be bumpy. Like Rosenblatt before them, today's deep-learning researchers are nearing the frontier of what their tools can achieve. To understand why this will reshape machine learning, you must first understand why deep learning has been so successful and what it costs to keep it that way.

OpenAI's GPT-3 Speaks!

Ready or not, powerful text-generation AI will soon be assuming roles of customer service reps and video game characters

Overview of Blockchain Intelligence

We have experienced the proliferation of diverse blockchain platforms, including cryptocurrencies as well as private blockchains. In this chapter, we present an overview of blockchain intelligence. We first briefly review blockchain and smart contract technologies. We then introduce blockchain intelligence, which is essentially an amalgamation of blockchain and artificial intelligence. In particular, we discuss the opportunities of blockchain intelligence to address the limitations of blockchain and smart contracts.

Tech Law on Cryptocurrencies and Crypto-Assets 

The recently proposed income tax on Virtual Digital Assets in the Finance Bill, 2022 has necessitated the need for a comprehensive understanding of Cryptocurrencies and Crypto-assets. This edition of 'Tech Law Bytes' does a deep dive into the subject.

The Metaverse: A Different Perspective

The term Metaverse has been a hot topic of conversation recently, with many tech giants like Facebook and Microsoft staking claims. But what is The Metaverse?

The IoT cloud: Microsoft Azure vs. AWS vs. Google Cloud

The three leading global hyperscalers (AWS, Microsoft, and Google Cloud) hold more than 80% market share for global public cloud services specifically for IoT workloads according to the latest research from IoT Analytics: Cloud Computing for IoT Market Report 2021–2026, a 135-page report on the current state and trends of the IoT cloud computing market.

Although offering public cloud services for connecting IoT devices is not (yet) a major driver for the businesses of these companies, IoT services and related cloud infrastructure investments are expected to grow faster than general public cloud spending and will thus increase in strategic importance during the coming years as public cloud becomes a multi-trillion-dollar market.

What is WebAssembly? The next-generation web platform explained

Learn how WebAssembly is bringing near-native performance to the browser, by allowing devs to build high-speed web apps in the language of their choice

What Is the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) and How Do You Use It?

The Interplanetary File System (IPFS) is a distributed, peer-to-peer file-sharing network that is well-positioned to become the underpinning of a new, decentralized web. Here’s how it works, and how you can start using it.

Why the world of AI has dependency on synthetic data

Organisations collect large amounts of data to generate databases that would help them to run algorithms. This data is then compiled from an assortment of unidentifiable sources. There are a lot of challenges that data scientists face like collecting, handling, and segregation data. These challenges tend to delay the data generation process in given time duration. Many organisations are procuring synthetic data to rectify this problem. Synthetic data, unlike real data, is invented and imagined.

A Comprehensive Study of Key Electric Vehicle (EV) Components, Technologies, Challenges, Impacts, and Future Direction of Development

Electric vehicles (EV), including Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV), are becoming more commonplace in the transportation sector in recent times. As the present trend suggests, this mode of transport is likely to replace internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in the near future. Each of the main EV components has a number of technologies that are currently in use or can become prominent in the future. EVs can cause significant impacts on the environment, power system, and other related sectors. The present power system could face huge instabilities with enough EV penetration, but with proper management and coordination, EVs can be turned into a major contributor to the successful implementation of the smart grid concept. There are possibilities of immense environmental benefits as well, as the EVs can extensively reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transportation sector. However, there are some major obstacles for EVs to overcome before totally replacing ICE vehicles. This paper is focused on reviewing all the useful data available on EV configurations, battery energy sources, electrical machines, charging techniques, optimization techniques, impacts, trends, and possible directions of future developments. Its objective is to provide an overall picture of the current EV technology and ways of future development to assist in future researches in this sector.

30 Startups to watch -- Curated monthly list

Every month, as part of Inc42 Plus, we shine the spotlight on 30 early-stage Indian startups that are on the path to disrupting the market. Get a 360° view of the new & upcoming startups.

Research Repositories & Knowledge Graphs

A practical guide to building a sustainable research organization

Over the last few years, companies have recognized that research, not limited to Product, Consumer, and UX, has become its own strategic asset. High performing companies have come to realize that research can provide the competitive advantage and differentiator factor. This has led many companies to building internal functions, capabilities, and departments at scale around research.

Internal research teams then act as a service provider to the various parts of the larger business. Most research teams have a constant inbound stream of “Asks” from various business units and more importantly, they are constantly being asked if there is some existing research around specific functions or business areas. 

We propose that research teams should think of an insight repository with a business focused taxonomy that creates a knowledge base that can be indexed, searched and repurposed with the end goal of democratizing access to insights.

Seven  (Science) Technologies to Watch in 2022

Nature's fifth annual round-up of the tools that look set to shake up science in 2022

From gene editing to protein-structure determination to quantum computing, here are seven technologies that are likely to have an impact on science in the year ahead.

The urine revolution: how recycling pee could help to save the world

Separating urine from the rest of sewage could mitigate some difficult environmental problems, but there are big obstacles to radically re-engineering one of the most basic aspects of life.

How to mine for yellow gold

Separating urine from the rest of sewage could reduce pollution, save water, produce better fertilizers and lessen the strain on sewer systems. But there are big obstacles to radically re-engineering one of the most basic aspects of life. Capturing urine separately from other waste poses a challenge to toilet designers — and that is just the first step.

7 Useful Tips for Improving Your Mental Focus

Improving your mental focus is achievable, but that doesn't mean that it's always quick and easy. It will take some real effort on your part and you may have to make some changes to some of your daily habits. Here are some tips and tricks from psychology that can help you develop laser-like mental focus and concentration.

10 Healing Spots Around the World, From Hot Springs to Salt Flats

There are healing places, as in, the restorative properties of a hotel balcony whilst sipping a glass of pinot grigio with your spouse on the balcony after your little one is dropped off at the kid's club. And then there are capital-H Healing places of the enchanted ilk. These magical destinations, from mineral springs in the Empire State to primordial forests in Japan, fit the uppercase bill. Some may possess powers said to soothe various ailments, others may restore your spirits. Whatever the tonic on offer, expect magic at these 10 spots around the world — no pinot grigio required.

Planetary Health Recipes

The planetary health diet is a global reference diet for adults that is symbolically represented by half a plate of fruits, vegetables and nuts. The other half consists of primarily whole grains, plant proteins (beans, lentils, pulses), unsaturated plant oils, modest amounts of meat and dairy, and some added sugars and starchy vegetables.

The diet is quite flexible and allows for adaptation to dietary needs, personal preferences and cultural traditions. Vegetarian and vegan diets are two healthy options within the planet health diet but are personal choices.

Eating healthy and sustainable does not have to be hard. Explore delicious recipes that are good for both people and planet.

The Best Romantic Movies on Netflix in 2022

If you’re looking for something to watch while cuddled up on the couch with your sweetheart, Netflix has you covered. From comedies to dramas, classics to originals, here are 10 of the best romantic movies to stream on Netflix.

Videos: TED Talks: How to get into a work-from-home mindset

Home is where the heart is ... but how do you make room for the office? Draw expert advice from these talks to help you stay productive, achieve work-life balance and gain professional confidence as a remote employee. 15 talks

Audio: Accenture AI Leaders Podcast

Tune in to hear industry trends, opportunities, and challenges related to AI, analytics, and data that are top of mind for CDOs, CAOs and CIOs.

How to build soft skills: 10 must-read books

Want to communicate more effectively? Resolve conflicts wisely? Keep your cool with difficult people? Improve your soft skills with these books

Celebrating a century of HBR

Harvard Business Review, a time-honored hub of smart management thinking, celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. To salute this milestone—and McKinsey Global Publishing’s longstanding thought partnership with the magazine—we look back at some of the best of our collaborations, from articles on crucial business topics, to interviews with Harvard Business School authors, to books, and more.

Information Security Awareness Handbooks

CDAC managed Information Security Awareness Website has very useful handbooks under different categories such as Security Concepts, Women Security, Children Security,  Cyber Awareness, Digital Financial Transactions etc for free download.

Forthcoming Events

23rd Feb 2022. SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. 6th International Conference on Computer, Communication and Signal Processing. ICCCSP 2022 - Pre Conference Workshops (in parallel) 1. TIER 2022 - Transformer Models for Indian Language; 2. MIoT Workshop; 3. Trends in Deep Learning for Speech, Image and Video Processing. Register at

24th Feb 2022 at 5 pm UTC. ACM TechTalk on "Visual Data Analysis: Why? When? How?" by ACM A.M. Turing Award Recipienta Pat Hanrahan, CANON Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University and Tamara Munzner, Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. Register at

26th Feb 2022 at 3.30 pm IST. IEEE CS Region-10 Webinar on "Cyber Governance: Insurance to Assurance" by Prof. Dr. K. Subramanian, IEEE CS R10 India Area Coordinator. Register at

For other events in Feb 2022

IRAI Quiz -- 220221

1. ----------------- is the India's AI Supercomputer established under National Super-computing Mission (NSM)

2. ----------------- in Jharkhand is known as Phishing capital of India

3. Author Neal Stephenson is credited with coining the term  ----------------  in his 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash"

4. 17th July is observed as --------------

5.Researchers of Vermont University Analyzing Social Media Trends Have Declared Which Day Of The Week Most Depressing?

6. After he was banned from Facebook and Twitter, former US President Donald Trump is now sharing posts on -----------------,  a social media platform created by him.

7. ---------------- is the widely used scheduling technique in a time shared operating system?

8. What is the umbrella term to technologies which are either new or growing very fast such as AI, Robotics, Healthtech, Material Science, Neuroscience, Spacetech, AR/VR, 3D Printing, Quantum Computing?

9. How was Internet originally named?

10. Name the global electronics company founded in the 1930s, engaged in the distribution of groceries and specialty noodles. It ventured in electronics with black & white TV in early 1960s

Answers to IRAI Quiz -- 220221

1. Param Siddhi

2. Jamtara

3. Metaverse

4. World Emoji Day

5. Wednesday

6. Truth Social

7. Round Robin

8. Deeptech

9. Intergalactic computer network

10. Samsung


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