Thursday 21 October 2021

Interesting Reads And Information -- IRAI -- 211021


Cybersecurity Jobs: Opportunities, Skills to Acquire, and Learning Resources 

Cybersecurity space is growing as there is a dire need to protect organizations from online attacks and keep their systems, network, data, and digital assets safe.

According to Gartner, the global cybersecurity market is expected to grow at 8.5% CAGR to reach US$170.4 billion at the end of 2022.

That said, more and more businesses are moving online, especially after the covid-19 breakout. It has created a broader attack surface, and the organizations that do not implement cr33rsafe protection mechanisms are being targeted the most.

All the sectors are in danger, and the demand for cybersecurity professionals has increased to secure organizations’ data, finances, and reputations from online attacks.

This is why many cybersecurity jobs are available now in companies of all scales, ranging from start-ups and SMBs to big enterprises. The cybersecurity field is flourishing, and you have so many opportunities to grab if you have skills.

This article will discuss some high-paying cybersecurity jobs, where to find them, and how to prepare for them.

How to get a job during COVID-19: 9 smart tips

If you're job hunting during the COVID-19 pandemic, you need practical strategies. Consider this expert advice from recruiters and hiring managers

How to Not Lose Your Job to Low-Code Software

This article shows you the low-code pinch points for software engineers and how to avoid them.

Key takeaways:

The uptake of low code software is so strong that it will almost certainly make its way into your organization.

Most software engineers working in larger enterprises shouldn’t be concerned about this because they are good at the things that low code software is not yet good at.

The key to surviving and thriving during this change is ensuring that your role encompasses responsibilities that low code can’t do yet.

If your role is solely focussed on activities that low code software can perform you are at risk of being caught in a pinch point.

Examples of pinch points include app/integration roles in small companies or small teams, and app developers working for app development companies.

Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century

Back in the 1990s, computer engineer and Wall Street “quant” were the hot occupations in business. Today data scientists are the hires firms are competing to make. As companies wrestle with unprecedented volumes and types of information, demand for these experts has raced well ahead of supply. Indeed, Greylock Partners, the VC firm that backed Facebook and LinkedIn, is so worried about the shortage of data scientists that it has a recruiting team dedicated to channeling them to the businesses in its portfolio.

Data scientists are the key to realizing the opportunities presented by big data. They bring structure to it, find compelling patterns in it, and advise executives on the implications for products, processes, and decisions. They find the story buried in the data and communicate it. And they don’t just deliver reports: They get at the questions at the heart of problems and devise creative approaches to them. One data scientist who was studying a fraud problem, for example, realized it was analogous to a type of DNA sequencing problem. Bringing those disparate worlds together, he crafted a solution that dramatically reduced fraud losses.

In this year 2012 article, Harvard Business School’s Davenport and Greylock’s Patil take a deep dive on what organizations need to know about data scientists: where to look for them, how to attract and develop them, and how to spot a great one.

Private vs. Public Blockchains for Enterprise Business Solutions

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using blockchain for business solutions, describing the differences between public and private versions of this technology in practice. We’ll also talk about a new type of chain — a hybrid of private and public chains which takes the benefits of both to create a truly versatile platform with no compromises.

2021 State of Testing Report: Testing Careers, Covid-19, Agile, Coaching & Training, Automation

The 2021 State of Testing report provides insights into the adoption of test techniques, practices, and test automation, and the challenges that testers are facing. Key topics from this report are testing careers, the impact of Covid-19, agile, DevOps and other methodologies, testing coaching & training, and automation and scripting.

Enhance Your Testing Strategy with Mind Map-Driven Testing

Mind map-driven testing can enable testers to focus on test idea generation, it exposes you to your thinking and enables you to brainstorm and organize your ideas effectively. This article shares ideas and knowledge about mind maps and shows how they can be used as lean documents to plan, organize, record, present, and report on testing.

Software Testing in the World of Next-Gen Technologies

The introduction of next-gen technologies like AI, Big Data, Robotics and IoT have quickly redefined the way the world looks at software technology. Some of the biggest impacts of these changing trends can be seen in the software testing industry. This article discusses how these emerging technologies need some new approaches, and changes to existing approaches to software testing.

Low-Code Platforms and the Rise of the Community Developer: Lots of Solutions, or Lots of Problems?

Low-code platforms are the hottest enterprise software category right now. With the current level of investment, it is hard to imagine a future that doesn’t feature lots of bespoke business apps being built by non-IT staff for use by their teams. Visibility of low code solutions is the key to managing risk.

Building Reliable Software Systems with Chaos Engineering

Advances in large-scale, distributed software systems are changing the game for software engineering. As an industry, we are quick to adopt practices that improve flexibility and improve feature velocity. If we can move quickly, can we do so without breaking things? Chaos Engineering practices can be used to navigate complexity and build more reliable systems.

The Future of Data Engineering

Chris Riccomini examines the current and future states of the art in data pipelines, data streaming, and data warehousing. He presents a six-stage evolution that data ecosystems follow, from a simple monolith to a complex data-microwarehouse architecture as the data engineers who manage them solve problems and clarify their roles as infrastructure engineers, rather than data stewards.

Is Artificial Intelligence Taking over DevOps?

For many developers, predicting what’s next in DevOps has become something of a favorite pastime. We’ve seen our industry change rapidly in just the last decade, and in that same period the programmer’s role has also changed fundamentally.

In fact, and particularly among those developers of (shall we say) a particular age, it might seem as though the role of the “traditional” developer no longer exists. Rather than the traditional software development life cycle – in which software is planned, built, and then released – many of us now work in multi-disciplinary teams in which development and operations exist side-by-side, and are increasingly indistinguishable.

That model has become known as DevOps, but only recently. And it only took a few years (or months?) for DevOps itself to start changing and adapting. Now, we are adrift in a sea of acronyms (including the more recent DevSecOps) that denote a slightly different way of working, and each a slightly different view of the future.

Among the most recent of these is AIOps. In this vision, AI tools are slowly replacing the role of the developer – just as DevOps did before – and will eventually supplant DevOps entirely.

Assessing whether that prediction is true is tricky, but in this article we will try nonetheless. We’ll look at what AI promises to do for the development process, assess whether it can really ever take over from human  developers, and then look at what DevOps is likely to look like in a decades’ time.

Is Artificial Intelligence Closer to Common Sense?

Intelligent agents lack the common-sense knowledge they need to reason about the world. Traditionally, there have been two unsuccessful approaches to getting computers to reason about the world—symbolic logic and deep learning. A new project, called COMET, tries to bring these two approaches together. Although it has not yet succeeded, it offers the possibility of progress.

Understanding IP Address: An Introduction Guide

Every device connected to the internet or local network has an IP address.

Yes, even your smartphone, smart TV, and smart speakers have it. You might have heard about IP addresses, and you may have also seen how they look – those series of numbers separated by dots or colons.

An IP address is an address to which the information you request from the internet arrives.

For example, when you search for your favorite movie on the internet, the search engine takes a while to load the results and show them to you on the screen. A lot goes in the back that you can’t see. Without your IP address, your request will land nowhere.

That’s how important an IP address is.

So, let’s understand IP addresses in detail and some key information associated with them.

Introduction to Green Computing for A Sustainable Future

Green computing is an environment-friendly approach to computing. It involves using computers, computing devices, and IT resources with minimal power and disposing of parts appropriately to protect our environment.

There’s so much to add to this, but I’ll save it for the next section.

For starters, let’s understand why we are talking about green computing.

Have you seen Leonardo di Caprio raising his voice on climate change and environmental conservation? If not, check his Instagram profile.

Like him, thousands of people are concerned about the same issues as water level begins to rise, glaciers melting, natural calamities like hurricanes and Tsunamis endangering lives, forests fires spreading, the ozone layer depleting, and the list is never-ending.

All these are the devastating effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Human activities are exhausting natural resources, emitting greenhouse gases, cutting down forests, and polluting land, water, and air.

That said, computers are part and parcel of our everyday lives, from children to the elderly. But they are also harmful to the environment from their manufacturing to usage and disposal. They consume lots of energy and emit carbon dioxide, and if you don’t dispose of them properly or recycle them, they cause pollution.

This is where Green computing green IT comes into the picture. It is an effort to reduce or limit the harmful impacts of computing and implementing eco-friendly means on everyday usage.

In this article, I’ll discuss green computing in detail, cover the challenges and benefits, and how you can implement green computing even at an individual level.

Blockchain Technology: A Guide for Beginners

Blockchain technology is still a mystery to a majority of people. Some find it exciting, and some find it intimidating, while others don’t have a clue about it.

And I get that since it’s still in the early development stage, and there’s so much to learn and implement.

This article aims to introduce you to the basics of blockchain technology, how it works, and its application.

For starters, imagine how easy life can become if you could send money to your family, staying thousands of miles away, in minutes without paying hefty banking fees.

Now, think about having complete control of your money without requiring any permission from your bank to view or transfer it. And you could store your money digitally in a wallet without a bank governing it.

All of these are not dreams; they are possible with blockchain that offers a lot of capabilities and advantages. This is the reason why people are interested in learning blockchain and embracing it. It’s also estimated that corporate investment in blockchain is likely to reach US$12.4 billion by 2022.

But what exactly is blockchain?

Let’s find out!

Systems Engineering

Systems Engineering is a transdisciplinary and integrative approach to enable the successful realization, use, and retirement of engineered systems, using systems principles and concepts, and scientific, technological, and management methods.

We use the terms “engineering” and “engineered” in their widest sense: “the action of working artfully to bring something about”. “Engineered systems” may be composed of any or all of people, products, services, information, processes, and natural elements.

You will learn more  at this site by visiting pages referred in the navigation bar

Do You Think Like a Lawyer, a Scientist, or an Engineer?

Law, science, and engineering offer three distinct approaches to logical thinking. Each is important in different circumstances, and in practice, we can use all three. How much understanding and control do you have of a situation? Do you simply need to follow the rules? Are you operating in a world of uncertainty and volatility? Or are you building and defining the rules as you go along?

Top predictions for IT organizations and users in 2022 and beyond: Gartner

Gartner analysts presented the top 10 strategic predictions during Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo Americas, taking place virtually during Oct 18-21, 2021

Gartner revealed its top strategic predictions for 2022 and beyond. Gartner’s top predictions explore three aspects of the lessons that business and IT leaders have learned during ongoing disruption and uncertainty – the push toward human centricity, the race to resilience and the ability to reach beyond expectations.

Digital transformation is changing. Here's what comes next

IT leaders are in a strong position after digital initiatives saved many businesses. But now, what businesses are asking for is evolving again.

After years of being promoted, piloted and implemented with varying degrees of urgency and success in organizations, digital transformation enabled a rapid pivot to remote working and put the digitization of business processes, including customer and employee experience (CX and EX), to a serious stress test. 

In this article, we'll examine where digital transformation is likely to go next.

Take Action -- OA 2020 -- Open Access 2020

The Open Access movement has made many laudable efforts over the past 20 years, but progress is slow and we are still decades away from achieving the envisioned open information environment. Worse, even while new OA strategies make headway, the largest traditional publishers are fortifying their paywalls and extracting booming revenues through annual subscription price increases and hybrid publishing (double-dipping). In order to finally make open access the default in scholarly publishing, we need to take collective action and divest of subscriptions, in order to invest in Open Access.

UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science

At the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference, 193 Members States tasked the Organization with the development of an international standard-setting instrument on Open Science in the form of a UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science to be adopted by Member States in 2021.

We are ignoring the true cost of water-guzzling data centres

The 1960s ushered in a new age of processing digital information, driven by the intelligence needs of the cold war. Moore’s law meant microchips doubled in speed every two years, shrinking costs and miniaturising machines that once filled entire rooms. Today, the smartphone probably being used to read this article is millions of times more powerful than the computer that landed the Apollo missions on the moon.

While those huge supercomputers have disappeared, the proliferation of the cloud and the internet of things, with everything down to our socks being able to connect to the internet, means more and more computer processors that need to communicate with data centres around the world. Even something as simple as scrolling down on this article triggers communications that may eventually pass through a distant data centre.

Data centres can range in size from small cabinets through to vast “hyperscale” warehouses the size of stadiums. Inside, are computers called servers which support the software, apps and websites we use every day.

As of the end of 2020, 597 hyperscale data centres were in operation (39% in the US, 10% in China, 6% Japan), up by almost 50% since 2015. Amazon, Google and Microsoft account for more than half of these and a further 219 are in various stages of planning.

Data centre water demand is more complicated than the carbon footprint. Reaching zero carbon is a reasonable goal, but zero-water is not necessarily the right choice. Consumption goals need more context.

What Would Happen If All Internal Combustion Engines Were Banned This Year?

Your life could be changed forever.

Imagine a world where internal combustion engines (ICEs) have been completely banned. However, not in 10, 20, or even 30 years, but a single year from now. 

It's an aggressive policy to be sure, but it would certainly expedite a reduction in fossil fuels and, perhaps, help us better meet our climate targets. Or so we can imagine. 

But what would happen if we banned internal combustion engines this quickly? How would this move play out in reality, and what obstacles would we have to overcome. To answer these questions, we need to have a comprehensive understanding of the exact role this technology has in our world and understand, at least somewhat comprehensively, how many technologies, goods, and services that humans depend on (or at the very least, desire) in their daily life that, in turn, depend on it. 

This article is food for thought, especially if we will need to find some way to severely curtail our use of fossil fuels in the near future. 

While not an impossibility to eliminate all ICEs, a realistic and well-managed conversion of critical parts of our infrastructure will need to be addressed in order to avoid a catastrophic outcome. 

If we are to make grand changes, like removing internal combustion engines completely from our infrastructure, then it must be done intelligently and with consideration and planning, to cause the minimum amount of disruption to the system as a whole.

Viruses are both the villains and heroes of life as we know it

Viruses have a bad reputation. They are responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic and a long list of maladies that have plagued humanity since time immemorial. Is there anything to celebrate about them?

Many biologists like me believe there is, at least for one specific type of virus – namely, bacteriophages, or viruses that infect bacteria. When the DNA of these viruses is captured by a cell, it may contain instructions that enable that cell to perform new tricks.

The mighty power of bacterial viruses Bacteriophages, or phages for short, keep bacterial populations in check, both on land and at sea. They kill up to 40% of the oceans’ bacteria every day, helping control bacterial blooms and redistribution of organic matter.

Bacteriophages are viruses that kill specific types of bacteria.

Their ability to selectively kill bacteria also has medical doctors excited. Natural and engineered phages have been successfully used to treat bacterial infections that do not respond to antibiotics.

Mental Health App Guide

Recent estimates suggest that anywhere between 10,000 and 150,000 mental health apps exist today. So with such a huge number of apps to choose from – how do we separate the good from the bad? We’re here to help. One Mind PsyberGuide provides unbiased reviews of mental health apps to help you choose the app that’s right for you. Start on our App Guide, where you can filter apps based on the conditions and treatment types you’re interested in.

eBook: Software Engineering at Google: Practices, Tools, Values, and Culture

The book Software Engineering at Google provides insights into the practices and tools used at Google to develop and maintain software with respect to time, scale, and the tradeoffs that all engineers make in development. It also explores the engineering values and the culture that’s based on them, emphasizing the main differences between programming and software engineering.

Download the book from

The InfoQ eMag - Becoming a Technical Leader

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” – Jack Welch

Leadership is a set of competencies that can be learned.  A search online will present lists of the top N traits of leaders (where N is any number from 5 to 101!)

Commonly these lists include things like honesty, integrity, confidence, communication, decision-making, empathy, focus, enthusiasm, loyalty and decisiveness.  Some of these aspects can be considered personality traits but all of them can be learned and strengthened through self-discipline and deliberate intent.  Effective leadership has always been a key factor for organisational success, and this remains the case in modern tech-heavy orgainsations.  

Traditionally these are not competencies that are heavily emphasized in technology education programs, yet consistently the factors that influence career and organisational success are not how well your product works but how well your teams work together, how well they respond to your customers and how well they are led. 

For this eMag, we’ve pulled together six articles from the InfoQ content that explore different aspects of what it takes to lead effectively in the technical world.

eBook: Data Science for Undergraduates: Opportunities and Options

Data science is emerging as a field that is revolutionizing science and industries alike. Work across nearly all domains is becoming more data driven, affecting both the jobs that are available and the skills that are required. As more data and ways of analyzing them become available, more aspects of the economy, society, and daily life will become dependent on data. It is imperative that educators, administrators, and students begin today to consider how to best prepare for and keep pace with this data-driven era of tomorrow. Undergraduate teaching, in particular, offers a critical link in offering more data science exposure to students and expanding the supply of data science talent.

Data Science for Undergraduates: Opportunities and Options offers a vision for the emerging discipline of data science at the undergraduate level. This report outlines some considerations and approaches for academic institutions and others in the broader data science communities to help guide the ongoing transformation of this field.

Videos: 7 TED Talks for job hunters

Job hunters, stop stressing and start learning: These TED talks will help you navigate challenges and win that role

IRAI Quiz -- 211021

1. What is the name of Google's own phone hardware -- the new system-on-chip? 

2. Expand: dApp

3. Which month of the year  is observed as National Cyber Security Awareness Month?

4. ----- is touted as the Twitter's Indian alternative

5. -----------------------  are facilities set up for making delivery-only meals

6  BATX Companies include: Chinese firms Baidu, Alibaba, --------------, and Xiaomi

7. Kubernetes manages small units of software called or known as -------------

8. ---------- is the first  feature film  (of duration 35 to 40 min) shot in the orbit by  Russian actor Yulia Peresild and director Klim Shipenko by traveling to International Space Station (ISS) in a Soyuz MS-19 aircraft. 

9. --------------- is the first and only (to date)  malaria vaccine to get the WHO’s backing on 6th Oct 2021.

10. What is common to these: Dice, Whitetruffle, Tech Fetch, AngelList, F6S

Forthcoming Events

23rd Oct 2021 at 6 pm IST. Webinar on "Best Practices for Commercially Successful Patents" by Dr. Madhan Kumar Srinivasan, Associate Vice President & Lead – Cloud AI & Patents, myWizard AI, Accenture Innovation Hub, Bengaluru, Advisory Board Member, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK & Founder Member, Cloud Computing Innovation Council of India (CCICI). Register at

Other events in Oct 2021

13th Nov 2021 at 6 pm IST. Webinar on "The Future of Mobility: Convergence of Electric, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles" by  Dr. Shankar Venugopal, Vice President, Technology Innovation, Mahindra & Mahindra & Mr. S.  Ramachandran, Lead for Manufacturing and Engineering, Infosys Knowledge Institute. Register at

27th Nov 2021 at 6 pm IST. Webinar on "IPv6 Migration: Need, Issues and Process" by Dr. Mohit P Tahiliani, Asst. Prof. Dept. of CSE, NITK Surathkal, Ms. Nalini Elkins, President, INTC, CEO, Inside Products, Inc., & Mr. Dhruv Dhody, President, IIESoc. Register at

Other events in Nov 2021

Call for Papers: Research Scholars’ Colloquium 2021 (RSC'21) on "Intelligent and Smart Systems".  This Research & Industry Symposium is being organised on 3rd Dec 2021 in honour of Shri. F. C. Kohli, Father of Indian Software Industry  by SSN College of Engineering in association with ACM, CSI & IEEE CS Chennai Chapters. 

Paper Submission Deadline: 22nd Oct 2021

For more details pl visit


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