Friday, 20 August 2021

Interesting Reads And Information -- IRAI -- 210821


The History Of Remote Working: Why People Work At Home

Remote working has a rich and varied history, with its growth being influenced by many factors including changes in technology and in our societies. Recently, corona virus has resulted in a large, accelerated shift towards people working at home.

Free Report: Negotiate Strong Relationships at Work and at Home

When disputes arise in business and personal relationships, it’s easy to avoid conflict to save the relationship. Nonetheless, it is possible to turn tense disputes into productive negotiations and maintain strong relationships.

In this free special report,  negotiation experts offer advice on understanding how relationships can help you negotiate even the most difficult conversations. Throughout the report, you will discover how to build rapport, manage conflict in long-term relationships, and negotiate business decisions with colleagues or family members.

The graduate’s guide to a new world of work

A curated multimedia collection of our insights to help you hit the ground running in your new job or internship during a period of continuing—and profound—change

10 questions to ask before joining a startup

People applying for startup jobs should think more like investors. These are the questions they should be asking, according to top VCs

How to avoid gender bias in job postings

Women remain underrepresented in a number of high-profile fields like finance and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Experts say there’s a number of reasons for these imbalances, including an overly masculine culture, gender stereotypes, scarcity of role models for women and perceptions of poor work-life balance across various male-dominated industries.

Whether organizations are doing so because they’ve recognized the practical benefits of gender diversity or they’re responding to external pressures — including investors pushing for gender representation — companies around the world have responded by investing substantial resources into recruiting and retaining women.

These efforts have resulted in a range of diversity and inclusion initiatives, including offers of a wide range of benefits and mentorship opportunities for recently hired employees. Regardless of these changes, however, progress on achieving gender parity continues to move slowly.

Ten Steps to a Global Human Resources Strategy

Creating an effective global work force means knowing when to use "expats," when to hire "locals" and how to create that new class of employees -- the "glopats."

Mastering the Data Science Interview: Ultimate Guide

From must-know technical questions, to role-specific approaches and answer tips, this extensive guide will help you launch a successful career in data science. 

So you're applying for a job in data science?

Will coding become a basic life skill? Yes and no, say experts

Almost all experts agree that coding will become nearly as ubiquitous as literacy in the future. But the nature of coding in the future may be very different.

The metaverse: From science fiction to virtual reality

The metaverse is a network of always-on virtual environments in which many people can interact with one another and digital objects while operating virtual representations – or avatars – of themselves.

Think of a combination of immersive virtual reality, an online role-playing game, and the internet

The metaverse is a concept from science fiction that many people in the technology industry envision as the successor to today's internet. It's only a vision at this point, but technology companies like Facebook are aiming to make it the setting for many online activities, including work, play, studying and shopping.

Sky Computing, the Next Era After Cloud Computing

We’re about to transition from the cloud computing era to the “sky computing” era, according to a pair of distinguished computer science professors at University of California Berkeley, Ion Stoica and Scott Shenker.

As the name suggests, sky computing is a layer above cloud platforms — and its goal is to enable interoperability between clouds.

An A-to-Z guide to a microservices architecture transition

This comprehensive guide to microservices explains everything: comparisons to monolithic architectures, the role of APIs and containers, and design and deployment best practices.

CI/CD pipelines explained: Everything you need to know

CI/CD can transform an organization, but there's a lot to consider. This comprehensive guide explains the CI/CD pipeline stages, benefits and challenges, best practices and more.

NVMe speeds vs. SATA and SAS: Which is fastest?

The NVMe protocol is tailor-made to make SSDs fast. Get up to speed on NVMe performance and how it compares to the SATA and SAS interfaces.

What are NFTs? Find out in our essential guide

NFTs have been making headlines, but there’s confusion around what they actually are, the risks and benefits of investing, and whether people should be buying them at all

Electric cars need green batteries

On the road to a world dominated by electric vehicles, materials scientists are focusing on the metals that are integral to the lithium-ion batteries that power them. Despite the extreme environmental and social costs of producing materials such as cobalt, it is still less expensive, in most instances, to mine metals than to recycle them. Creating batteries that are easier to take apart, new techniques to separate the materials inside, and economies of scale will all play a part in making recycling more widespread, say experts. The case of old-fashioned lead-acid batteries shows that there is hope: over 98% of them are already recycled.

Electric cars and batteries: how will the world produce enough?

Reducing the use of scarce metals — and recycling them — will be key to the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Government operationalises national Helpline 155260 to combat cybercrime losses, all you need to know

The Helpline155260 and its Reporting Platform has been made operational by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

How to Digitally Transform a company from scratch?

Consumers want fast solutions to their problems. With the help of unprecedented innovation in technology, digital transformation empowers businesses to improve the overall business structure and, most notably, the customer experience. While it always made sense to adopt digitization across companies, but the adaptation of digital transformation has still been slow. 

Amid the pandemic, the need for transforming digitally has never been more urgent. Businesses that neglect the transformation will likely be left behind and risk losing their market position.

How can you embrace digital transformation successfully? Consider these ideas:

The why and how of better last-mile logistics

Part 1: The importance of last-mile delivery to logistics

Last-mile delivery is the key to customer satisfaction. Here are four reasons your supply chain management strategy needs to focus on this critical stage of logistics.

Part 2: Top 5 last-mile delivery challenges

Last-mile delivery challenges can lead to reduced revenue. Here are some of the most common last-mile delivery problems your company is likely facing and why they occur.

Part 3: Top 7 ways to improve last-mile delivery

Failed deliveries have a powerful effect on customer experience. Here's how to improve last-mile delivery and increase overall customer satisfaction.

Practicing strategy in an uncertain world

A modern strategy that works will require leaders to learn new skills and apply new tools. Here’s a primer for a refreshed approach.

Business Futures 2021: Signals of Change -- The essential radar that leaders need to see and seize the future

According to Accenture, the following six signals stood out as essential to the future success of organizations:

01. Learning From the Future
02. Pushed to the Edge
03. Sustainable Purpose
04. Supply Unbounded
05. Real Virtualities
06. The New Scientific Method

Read more about them at

How To Turn Online Customer Behavior Into Actionable Insights

Consumers continue to flock to websites and apps, and they expect more from these channels today than ever before. As brands adapt to life after digital transformation fueled by the pandemic, they must learn from online customer behavior to optimize those digital experiences. And those that can turn online customer behavior data into actionable insights outperform peers by 85% in sales growth and over 25% in gross margin.

But a common issue arises for many brands trying to capture and turn online customer behaviors into insights: scalability. How can you realistically track and make sense of millions of behaviors taking place across your website or app every day? Digital experience analytics offers a purpose-built solution to do just that.

How to restore deleted photos from Google Drive or Google Photos

Google allows you to restore the photos, files or videos that you deleted from Drive or Photos app. Keep reading to know the steps to recover them.

Cognitive Biases: The Mistakes We All Make

A cognitive bias is a persistent, biased pattern of thinking or decision making. These biases usually cause people to reach “incorrect” or irrational decisions. There are many different specific cognitive biases (more than 200 and counting). Though their results are often “irrationality”, in some circumstances they may actually be helpful.

Digital health is a vital tool: here’s how we can make it more sustainable

The pandemic has shown us the extraordinary potential of digital health to fight global health inequalities by providing expanded access to healthcare: as well as by better informing our responses to health crises.

Tools such as wearable monitoring devices, video consultations, and even chat-bots driven by AI can provide care from a distance and often cost less than a face-to-face meeting with a doctor or nurse. This, in turn, can improve global access to high-quality treatment.

How to stop sitting yourself to death

Sitting is probably killing you slowly — whether you exercise vigorously every day or not. Sitting has been referred to as the new smoking. And a recent study shows that risk of death begins to rise if bouts of sitting persist for longer than 10 minutes at a time.

A history of sugar – the food nobody needs, but everyone craves

It seems as though no other substance occupies so much of the world’s land, for so little benefit to humanity, as sugar. According to the latest data, sugarcane is the world’s third most valuable crop after cereals and rice, and occupies 26,942,686 hectares of land across the globe. Its main output – apart from commercial profits – is a global public health crisis, which has been centuries in the making.

The obesity epidemic – along with related diseases including cancer, dementia, heart disease and diabetes – has spread across every nation where sugar-based carbohydrates have come to dominate to the food economy.

So at this time, it pays to step back and consider the ancient origins of sugar, to understand how it has grown to present an imminent threat to our landscapes, our societies and our health.

Videos: Our future in cities

Humanity's future is the future of cities. Explore the crowded favelas, greened-up blocks and futuristic districts that could shape the future of cities -- and take a profane, hilarious side trip to the suburbs.

21 talks · Total run time 5:12:12

Book Summary: 18 Wealth Lessons from “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel 

This is a book summary of The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by Morgan Housel.

I couldn’t ignore The Psychology of Money any longer. It seems like everyone is talking about it in my little corner of Twitter. Many are calling it their top book of the year.

eBook: Demystify deep learning with this guide for dummies.

In this online edition of the popular For Dummies series of reference books, learn everything you need to know to succeed with AI and deep learning.

Book Review: "The Joy of Dreaming: An Entrepreneur's Journey" by NR Panicker

This book is authored by a first generation entrepreneur Mr N.R. Panicker. He grew up from a  difficult and poor childhood and managed to graduate with fanfare. The book features how he could succeed in his employment career and then satisfy his entrepreneurial thirst by starting his own venture Accel Automation and attract multinationals to invest in his  business  of 500 crores. The book, a personal biography, narrates,  how with an engineering degree he  ventured in far flung Delhi from a small village in Kerala and later going to trouble-torn Nigeria expecting a better future but getting disappointed  and eventually starting his own venture brushing aside all doubts and risking a well established employment  career and going against the advice of his seniors.

Though like Steve Jobs, he had to leave the empire  built and nurtured by him, he is back in action to continue his dreams.

The book is an inspiring read. It is written as an interesting story in simple language. It stands as  a testimony of humility, hardwork, commitment, ambition, risk taking ability, forgetting failures and learning to bounce back. 

This book is a must read for those who aspire to become an entrepreneur. His personal story, initial sufferings, later wins, setbacks and final re-emergence will inspire all.

Mr Panicker had served as the chairman of Computer Society of India, Chennai Chapter and supported in many of its activities.

To get a copy visit

IRAI Quiz -- 210821

1. Apple and ----------- are the two tech giants have a stranglehold on the app economy

2. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the very first artificial satellite into orbit. This mission was known as Sputnik-1. What does Sputnik mean in Russian language?

 3. “Apple app store fees are a de facto global tax on the internet. Epic is right.” Whose tweet is this?

4. ---------------- (Tacit / Explicit) knowledge is easy to extract.

5. The NVMe protocol is tailor-made to make SSDs fast. Expand NVMe.

6. A set of machine learning libraries that can run on 32-bit microcontrollers and occupy very little memory and drives edge data management is known as ----------

7. In terms of Flash Memory vs. RAM speed, ---------- is the faster of the two

8. While OxygenOS (based on Android OS) was developed  by Chinese smartphone manufacturer OnePlus for their overseas market,  another version of the OS designed specifically for the Chinese market called  -------------

9. ------------- is a stripped down version of Android that is meant to support low-end phones with limited hardware capabilities.

10. Every year the  ----------- Prize competition identifies the most humanlike “chatbot” in the world, with a gold medal and $100,000 offered to any program that succeeds in fooling all four judges into thinking it is human.

Forthcoming Events

28th Aug 2021 at 6 pm IST. CSI, ACM & IEEE CS

Webinar on  Demystifying CI/CD and DevOps

Speaker: Mr. Sridhar Pandurangiah, Chief Technology Officer, Sastra Technologies Pvt Ltd

Register at

31st Aug 2021 at 2 pm IST. The IEEE Computer Society Region 10 GAC 

Webinar on "Rise to the Challenge: Shaping Your Research Paper for Publication" 

Speaker: Prof. San Murugesan, Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University, Australia. 

Register at

11th Sep 2021 at 6 pm IST. ACM, IEEE CS & CSI

Webinar on Beyond ERPs -- Next Gen Technologies

Speaker: Mr. Sandeep Desai, CEO, Darwish Cybertech India Pvt Ltd, Pune, Author of books on: ERP, Software Testing, and UML Modelling

Register at

25th Sep 2021 at 6 pm IST. IEEE CS, ACM & CSI

Webinar on Applications of Machine Learning in Life Sciences

Speaker: Dr. Valadi K. Jayaraman, Distinguished Professor, Flame University, Pune & Visiting Professor, Shiv Nadar University

Register at

3rd Dec 2021: One day symposium

Research Scholars’ Colloquium 2021 (RSC'21) on Intelligent and Smart Systems

Research & Industry Symposium in honour of Shri. F. C. Kohli, Father of Indian Software Industry. Organized by SSN College of Engineering in association with ACM, CSI & IEEE CS Chennai Chapters 

Paper Submission Deadline: October 7, 2021

For more details pl visit  the event website at

For more events in Aug 2021

For more events in Sep 2021


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