Friday 11 June 2021

Interesting Reads And Information -- IRAI -- 210611

Starting a career in the digital economy

What is it currently like for young people trying to hit the ground running with digital careers? What do employers want from them, and how has the last year of lockdowns affected their chances at a digital career?

Facing the new world of work

Have you just graduated, or are you about to? Or maybe someone else in your life has? It’s commencement season for high schools and colleges in many places around the globe.

Here’s a primer on what new grads need to know about the working world. Explore our special graduate’s guide or take a closer look at topics like:

The future of work—remote, hybrid, and in-person—plus what people are thinking as they peer ahead

Learning as a skill to develop over time (and what it can do for your career)

How CEOs and other leaders are thinking about talent, customer experience, digital trends, global forces, and more

Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace

Well-being, stress management, and finding meaning

Global Skills Report 2021

The Coursera Global Skills Report 2021 has arrived, which leverages performance data from 77 million Coursera learners across the world.

Every year, Coursera publishes the Global Skills Index, an in-depth look at the state of skills. This year, we’re expanding the index into a three-part series. This first installment, the Global Skills Report, examines the trends shaping the international reskilling landscape.

The most fundamental skill: Intentional learning and the career advantage

Learning itself is a skill. Unlocking the mindsets and skills to develop it can boost personal and professional lives and deliver a competitive edge.

Why some jobseekers have turned to cyber crime during the pandemic

Research shows that many people have been seeking cyber crime-related work on the dark web, but why?

The Importance of an Online Portfolio for Programmers (and How To Make One)

Programmers and web developers especially need to have an online portfolio ready for future employers or potential clients to see. Even if your work doesn’t really fall under the “creative” category, you can still build a portfolio and draw benefits from it in a similar manner.

There may not be pictures and videos that you could share, but there can be a whole plethora of other material that you can display on your portfolio website. This includes links and photos of websites and applications you’ve created or assisted on, case studies on the various projects you’ve undertaken, research reports, presentations, certifications, etc.

In this post, I’ll show you why an e-portfolio is important, what it can do for you professionally, and how you can start the process of setting one up today.

10 AI tech trends data scientists should know

AI adoption is accelerating across industries, driven by a combination of concrete results, high expectations and a lot of money. Among the many new AI concepts and techniques launching almost daily, 10 AI tech trends in particular grab data scientists' attention.

Designing software to include older people in the digital world

The Covid-19 coronavirus crisis has accentuated the importance of including older people in the digital world. How can software firms design products to include generations that came to maturity before the internet?

Computational storage: What is it and what are its key use cases?

Computational storage brings the CPU to the storage and so boosts system performance by tackling processing tasks, such as near the edge or in AI/machine learning workloads

What is chaos engineering?

Chaos engineering is the process of testing a distributed computing system to ensure that it can withstand unexpected disruptions. It relies on concepts underlying chaos theory, which focus on random and unpredictable behavior. The goal of chaos engineering is to identify weakness in a system through controlled experiments that introduce random and unpredictable behavior.

A main benefit of chaos engineering is that organizations can use it to identify vulnerabilities before a hacker does or before a system failure. Changes made as a result of chaos engineering testing increase confidence in an organization's systems.

Some IT groups hold chaos engineering game days where teams try to break or breach systems. They use failure mode and effective analysis or other tactics to get insight into potential points of failure in their organization's systems.

What is NoSQL and How do NoSQL Databases Work?

NoSQL is an approach to database management that can accommodate a wide variety of data models, including key-value, document, columnar and graph formats. A NoSQL database generally means that it is non-relational, distributed, flexible and scalable. Additional common NoSQL database features include the lack of a database schema, data clustering, replication support and eventual consistency, as opposed to the typical ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability) transaction consistency of relational and SQL databases. Many NoSQL database systems are also open source.

The term NoSQL originally could be taken at its word -- that is, SQL was not used as the API to access data. However, the ubiquity and usefulness of SQL caused many NoSQL databases to add support for SQL. Today it is commonly accepted that NoSQL stands for "Not Only SQL."

Covid-19 and the art and science of data visualisation

The pandemic has seen political leaders and civil servants using data visualisation like never before – but there is more to the art than meets the eye

Predictive maintenance: Definition, benefits, example, strategy

Predictive maintenance is a promising approach to monitoring equipment and preventing failures. Learn about the benefits of this approach and how to get started.

Modern predictive maintenance takes a proactive approach to equipment servicing using technologies such as IoT sensors and data analysis. Machine learning brings a level of prediction and accuracy to the effort that was not possible before.

20 keys to a successful enterprise data protection strategy

Your organization's data protection strategy might not include all 20 components, but the important thing is to have a comprehensive strategy in place.

The Billion-Year Archive project: A post-apocalyptic disaster recovery plan

We live in perilous times, and increasingly depend on digital technology to preserve our access to knowledge, as our human read/write memories inevitably fade. Yet the digital storage technologies on which datacentres rely have notorious weaknesses. Software environments and file formats quickly become obsolete. Hard drives fail and flash loses data; LTO tapes have a 30 year life span; even archive discs only last 50.

US non-profit the Arch Mission Foundation (AMF), billed as civilisation’s backup plan, the initiative ultimately seeks to build an interplanetary cloud for apocalypse-level disaster recovery, with distributed data repositories on Earth, the moon, near-Earth asteroids, orbiting the sun, and other places in the solar system.

Tools to measure Core Web Vitals

The recently announced Web Vitals initiative provides unified guidance about quality signals that are essential for all sites to deliver a great user experience on the web. We're happy to announce that all of Google's popular tools for web developers now support measurement of Core Web Vitals, helping you more easily diagnose and fix user experience issues. This includes Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, Chrome DevTools, Search Console,'s measure tool, the Web Vitals Chrome extension and a new (!) Chrome UX Report API.

Overcoming Procrastination

Have you noticed that you put things off more during the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, you are not alone.

When COVID-19 emerged, people did not have time to adjust to the new lifestyle and process it. As a result of abrupt changes regarding how people live their lives gave rise, COVID-19 paved the way for mental health crises—increased stress, anxiety and depressed mood—which over time may increase the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. To compound matters, when people are fearful, stressed or depressed, they are more likely to procrastinate, and delay or postpone tasks and assignments.

But what exactly happens when you procrastinate?

Videos: How innovation changes the world

The big and small ways invention and transformation can bring about new eras of inspired action, thought and change. (Curated in partnership with Project Management Institute.)

6 talks · Total run time 1:04:52

29 Terrible Predictions About Future Technology

Predicting the future is easy, but getting it this wrong rises to the level of art, or at least comedy.

Predicting the future is never easy, but these leaders of industry, science, military, and technology missed the mark spectacularly.

50 Lesser-known Details About the Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Over 50 years ago, humanity set foot on the Moon for the first time.

IRAI Quiz -- 210611

1. ---------------- is the process of transforming any given key or a string of characters into another value.

2. The bullwhip effect is a ------- (SCM / CRM)  phenomenon 

3. A digital twin is a  ------------- (physical/virtual) representation of a product or workflow across its lifecycle.

4. -------------- is the legal concept that allows consumers to repair the products they buy, or choose their own service providers instead of going through the manufacturer.

5  Software robotics is synonymous with -----

6  A poka-yoke, which has  its roots in lean manufacturing, is a mechanism that is put in place to prevent  -----------

7. Many organisations shy away from cloud storage because ---------- is an issue along with security

8. AWS : Glacier/Deep Glacier = Azure : -----------

9. ---------- becomes First Country to Recognize Bitcoin as a Legal Currency

10. Who said this: "I'd shut [Apple] down and give the money back to the shareholders." 

Answers at the end of the post

Forthcoming Events

12th Jun  2021-- Writing a Textbook: Guidelines and Tips from Experienced Authors & Publisher’s Perspective.

21st Jun -- Ergonomics & Office Yoga.

26th Jun  2021-- Surfing the Data Tsunami.

For more events in Jun 2021:


Past posts of Intereresing Reads And Information

IRAI Quiz Archives at

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Answers to IRAI Quiz -- 210611

1. Hashing
2. SCM
3. physical
4. Right to repair
5. RPA
6. human error
7. latency
8. Locally Redundant Storage  (LRS)
9. El Salvador
10. Michael Dell in1997

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