HR Mohan Speach Text
Mr FC Kholi, popularly known as Father of Indian IT industry was known to me for about 44 years.
The first time I met him was at the CSI 1976 annual convention held at Hyderabad where as a student member of CSI I was selected and sponsored to participate in the student paper contest. He along with Dr DVR Vittal met all the student paper presenters and encouraged us.
The very next year, as a full member of CSI, I attended the CSI 1977 at Pune where my paper on Opportunities for Process Control Computers in Indian Pulp and Paper Industries was accepted for presentation.
At that time FCK was the chairman of CSI Education and Awards Committee. He was very keen that a professional society must have publication program to meet the growing needs of information, updating and self education of its members. On his initiative, the first book "A Short Introduction to the Art of Programming" by Edsger W Dijkstra was published by the CSI publications committee with the support of Dr Ramani, Dr Nori & Dr Soundararajan.
This book was released at the CSI 1977 convention. Those purchased the book received it with the autograph of Mr FCK. I am a proud owner of a copy of the book with his signature which I still preserve in my collection of books.
My association with him was nurtured during mid 80s as I used to meet him at different occasions of his visit to TCS centre at Madras. Thanks to Dr Mahabala & Mr Mahalingam.
I became little more close to him when I took over the editor of CSI Digest which according to him was a good publication with higher shelf life and useful for the knowlege upgradation of CSI members.
He initiated the regional cooperation of computer socities and instrumental in establishing SEARCC in mid 80s and served as it's president too. In 1989, when the CSI sponsored team, accompanied by me and Prof Mahabala, won the first prize in the 1st International Student Software Contest held during SEARCC 89 at Singapore, Mr FCK hosted us a dinner at a well known resturant Annalakshmi in Singapore. A highly memorable event still in my memory.
He was also closely associated with IEEE, IEEE CS and encouraged CSI to establish close relationship with them for enriching CSI publications and nurtured the inter society relationship.
An another occasion which I value very much about his attachment & encouragement towards people known to him is during the CSI 2013 elections. He had proposed the nomination of Prof Shyam Sundar for the vice president cum president elect and also campaigned for him. However, when I was declared elected in the election, the first call congratulating me came from none other than Mr FCK, which I will never forget in my life.
Subsequently, while our personal meetings became accasional only during Annual Conventions, Think Tank Meetings, we used to interact through mails & over phone for advice on certain issues relating to CSI for which he was always very positive.
As a visionary business leader and technocrat and a details oriented person with varied developmental interests, he has been a role model for several people including me.
His demise is a great loss and I pray HIS ALMIGHTY to shower HIS blessings on his soul to rest in peace.
I thank CSI Kolkata chapter for giving the opportunity in this memorial meeting for FCK.
HR Mohan
CSI Fellow, Past President & LTA Awardee
+91 9841432179