Monday 5 October 2020

10 Expert Tips for New (and Aspiring) Managers

10 Expert Tips for New (and Aspiring) Managers

guide for first-time managers: best practices from leaders at Intercom, Unbounce, Square (and more!) on the transition from individual contributor to manager.

There’s no better feeling than the “aha” moment when you realize that you’re ready to step up in your job and take on more of a managerial position. Better than this realization is seeing all of your hard work and perseverance materialize when you become a manager. Making this transition to becoming a manager is definitely exciting but it can also be super daunting… Now that you have this added responsibility, how do you adopt the right management style and skills? 

If you’re on your way to becoming a manager or have just become one (congrats!), you’re in the right place. To support you in your new managerial endeavours we asked a panel of experts for their most valuable advice and tips for new managers. 

Here are ten expert tips from our #ManagerChats on the topic of the transition from individual contributor to manager:

  • Act like a leader before you become one
  • Learn to delegate
  • Adapt your management style to each team member
  • Be an active listener
  • Stay organized
  • Build a culture of feedback
  • Schedule regular one-on-one meetings
  • Help your direct reports grow
  • Communicate goals and expectations 
  • Never stop learning 

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