Saturday, 13 June 2020

Navigating to the next normal: The first 100 insights -- Collection of articles

Navigating to the next normal: The first 100 insights

Our  (McKinsey) first 100 articles addressing the challenges of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, presented in four thematic collections. Curated insights to help leaders in the public, private, and social sectors overcome the crisis—and remake the future.

The path to the next normal

Marshal the resolve necessary to lead with purpose, mobilize your team, and protect the continuity of your business

Safeguarding lives and livelihoods

Cultivate resilience, absorbing shock in ways that protect health and lay the groundwork for future prosperity

Getting back to work

Move toward a safe return during persistent uncertainty

Jumpstarting the recovery

Navigate back to operational health, across a range of industries

Download these four collections