Monday, 26 October 2015

INFOTECH Quiz -- 008

Welcome to the 8th edition of INFOTECH Quiz.

There are ten statements with one of the two options provided in them be the right one. Select the appropriate answer from the two options.

  1. According to the recent survey by, the mid-career IT professional is best paid in USA / Switzerland
  2. Pope / Modi is world`s 2nd most-popular leader on Twitter after Obama
  3. The traffic police department of Bangalore / Delhi was the first to introduce the Blackberry based system, e-challan, for traffic violation.
  4. Apple / Google is the world’s most valuable brand
  5. Industrial Internet consortium was formed in 2014 by AT&T, IBM, Cisco, Intel and GE / HP
  6. According to a recent survey by Vuclip Global Video Insights, the top application through which  most Indians share videos is Facebook / WhatsApp
  7. Twitter is to ease its current character limit of 140 / 160 on direct messages. 
  8. Rwanda / Singapore is being considered for testing the world’s first port for cargo drones to come up in 2016
  9. Smartphone maker YU is the sub brand of Micromax / Karboon
  10. Big Billion Day Sale is by Flipkart / Snapdeal

Four randomly selected lucky winners will receive cash prizes of Rs. 250/- each sponsored by Orbit Innovations

Two prizes out of four are reserved to those attend the presentation on “State of the art ALM – Overview of KOVAIR Tools” on 13th Nov 2015. 

Pl. see the Invite and register to attend the presentation. 

The quiz will be open till 11th Nov 2015 midnight.

To participate in the quiz please visit

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