Saturday, 23 November 2013

IT tools and calculators, ready for download

Whether you're comparing the cost of Google Apps to Office 365 or calculating how much bandwidth your users need, analysis is part of every IT leader's job. But trudging across the Web gathering information can take hours. And building a comparison tool from scratch takes even longer. There is a better way.

Here's a sample of the IT tools we offer for download.

Cost breakdown toolkit: Google Apps vs. Office 365: The biggest names in online productivity suites are Google Apps and Office 365. Determine the costs of each using a comparison toolkit.

Toolkit: Calculate data center server power usage: Determining how much energy a server consumes can be a fine art. Learn how to get started using our Server Energy Consumption Calculator.

Toolkit: Comparing VDI vs. PC costs: Compare the costs of desktop virtualization (VDI) to a PC. Use the attached calculator to determine the total cost of ownership.

Toolkit: Calculating tape backup needs: Backup tapes might be down, but they’re not out by a long shot. If your company is one of the 83 percent still relying on them, use Tech Pro Research's Tape Backup Calculator to determine your annual tape needs.

Toolkit: Calculating bandwidth needs: Determining how much bandwidth your office will need involves a number of factors. Learn how to get started using Tech Pro Research's Bandwidth Calculator.

New Employee Checklist and Default Access Policy: The New Employee Checklist and Default Access Policy and New Employee Orientation slides will provide IT departments with the materials they need to simplify the process of accommodating new hires.

Windows 8: Installation Flowchart: Our Windows 8: Installation Flowchart guides you through the array of critical decisions you'll need to make for a successful installation and deployment.

Information Technology Cost/Benefit Calculator: This customizable Cost/Benefit Calculator is designed to help project managers calculate the cost and expenses, as well as the primary and ancillary benefits, of common IT projects.

For full story & sample downloads