Thursday, 11 April 2013

The 21st Century Data Center Special Feature

More than ever, data centers run the world, but many of them need a 21st century reboot. Today's data centers have to be more efficient, redundant, and flexible than ever. TechRepublic and ZDNet examine when and how to best run your own data center versus when to outsource to the cloud or a service provider, and when to take a hybrid approach.

The 21st Century Data Center: An overview by Charles McLellan

Executive Guide: The 21st century data center (free ebook)by Jody Gilbert

Research: 96% say IaaS has met expectations by Teena Hammond

Video: Get up to speed on the 21st century data center by Larry Dignan and Jason Hiner

Is it better to own or outsource your data center? by Sam Shead

Open Compute: Does the data center have an open future? by Nick Heath

Cross-functional skills key to running data centers by Ellyne Phneah

Case study: School of Visual Arts overcomes energy and infrastructure challenges by TechRepublic

Cheat Sheet: Microservers by Nick Heath

Own our own data center? Why would anyone do that, CIOs ask by Steve Ranger

The 21st century data center: You're doing it wrong by Spandas Lui

Indian CIOs are breaking their in-house data center habit by Mahesh Sharma

Read the feature

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