Saturday, 20 October 2012

The DNA of the CIO

For many years, CIOs have been talking about becoming a true partner to the executive management team. But relatively few have broken out of their comfort zones to actually become one. The encouraging news is: many CIOs find the remit and responsibilities of their role hugely rewarding and enjoyable. Nevertheless, many more will need to test the limits of their comfort zones to become a relevant partner to the business in the years ahead – and to receive the recognition they deserve.

A recent Ernst and Young report, The DNA of the CIO, provides fresh insight into what it is to be a chief information officer (CIO) today. It explores the aspirations and expectations of those in the job – and the skills and relationships they need to master to succeed.

The survey is based on our survey of more than 300 senior IT professionals worldwide. A further 40 respondents from across the rest of the C-suite were polled to provide a perspective on how the CIO is perceived by the rest of the executive management team.

Download the report