Monday, 22 October 2012

IT's Worst Addictions

Are you a jargon junkie? Got an insatiable appetite for information? Do you rule over your company's systems with an iron fist, unwilling to yield control until someone pries the keyboard from your cold, dead hands? You're going to have to face it -- you're addicted to tech. It's not an uncommon problem, but it can lead to bad decisions.

Fortunately, there are cures. But first you must admit you are powerless over your addiction to acronyms, your dependence on data, and your cravings for power.You must resist the illusion you can make your network perfectly secure or that technology can solve all your problems. And you must stop clinging to old ways of doing things -- or lusting for anything shiny and new.

Consider this your first step on the long road to recovery.

IT addiction no. 1: Jargon
IT addiction no. 2: Power
IT addiction no. 3: Data
IT addiction no. 4: Old methods
IT addiction no. 5: New machines
IT addiction no. 6: Illusions of security
IT addiction no. 7: Delusions of grandeur

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