Something happens that you don’t like and you just HAVE to tell somebody about it. Not just somebody…but EVERYBODY!
Anyone who will listen.
You tell the clerk while you are at the checkout.
You call your best friend and complain to them
You most certainly post about it on Facebook so other complainers can tell you how angry they are and how the same thing has happened to them
You tell your girlfriend, wife and/or both
You want to tell your diary but that can get mad with you…but is just as effective as all the others.
You just want you complaint to be heard!
Who knows! Have you ever noticed how you feel after complaining to one of your friends? You share your terrible story, then they try to top you with and equally terrible story, then you share another….
This goes on and on until you are both whipped up into a frenzy! But do you actually ever do anything about it???
It is so much easier to piss and moan than it is to actually get off you ass and change what you are complaining about!
So this is not going to be your typical “Feel-Good” list of motivational quotes. This is meant to show you who is the only one who can really make a difference in your life