Monday, 24 September 2012

WhiteHat Security Website Statistics Report 2012: How Does Your Website Security Stack Up Against Your Peers?

Website security is a moving target. New attacks techniques are frequently disclosed. New website launches are common. New Web technologies are made available every day. New application code is released constantly. Enterprises need timely information about how they can best defend their websites, gain visibility into their vulnerability lifecycle, measure the performance of their security programs, and determine how they compare to their industry peers. Establishing these metrics is crucial towards improving enterprise security.

The WhiteHat Security report presents a statistical picture of current website vulnerabilities among 7,000 websites, across hundreds of organization, and is accompanied by WhiteHat expert analysis and recommendations. WhiteHat’s report is the only one that focuses solely on unknown vulnerabilities in custom Web applications, code unique to an organization, within real-world websites and does so over time.

Download the report