Most employees NEVER get to have a meeting with the CEO of their company. So if you do, it’s a one-shot deal that you don’t want to screw up. After all, exposure is a double-edged sword, and many CEOs and senior executives have short attention spans but long memories.
This post isn’t written for the seasoned executive or middle manager who has regular interactions with the CEO. These managers have already earned their scars through the school of hard knocks, and are now completely at ease using the executive restroom.
Rather, it’s written as a way to provide some mentoring assistance to the early career rising stars.
1. Study your audience.
2. Give yourself permission to BE an expert.
3. Appreciate the CEO’s perspective.
4. Be clear on what would be a “win”.
5. One page.
5. Honor thy Executive Assistant.
6. The arrival.
7. First impressions.
8. Small talk?
9. Get to the point and expect questions.
10. End early if possible.
11. You own the follow-up.
Follow these tips, and you’ll not only survive, you’ll thrive!
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