IT pros often complain about the downsides of their jobs. But what if you really AREN’T meant for an IT career?
It’s a tough world out there. Anyone who’s ever worked in IT knows just how tough it is. And if you’re not totally up for the challenge, there will always be someone else who is. But for anyone considering getting into the world of IT, or for those considering getting out of IT… how do you know? How do you know whether you are really cut out for the career that chews up and spits out its young? The following is a handy list of signs that maybe IT isn’t the best fit for you.
1: You lack patience
2: You have no desire to continue your education
3: You refuse to work outside 9-to-5
4: You don’t like people
5: You give up quickly
6: You’re easily frustrated
7: You can’t multitask
8: You have dreams of climbing the corporate ladder
9: You hate technology
10: You turn off your phone at night
Just because you suffer from one of two of these traits doesn’t mean you should jump off the IT train and start flipping burgers. But if you recognize quite a few of these signs, you might want to call it a career.
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