Saturday, 22 October 2011

What Does Managing Your Career Mean? What Does It Look Like?

If you choose to do this (because it is your choice), you

■ Are willing to work for a boss you don’t like and still make the
boss look good and smart.
■ Learn how people get promoted in your organization and do the
same and more.
■ Help your boss get promoted and help your subordinates get
■ Consistently exceed your own expectations and even do better
than others think you will.
■ Take it on yourself to learn how profit and loss happens in your
■ Solve problems and make issues go away and communicate so
that others know what your team has accomplished and the
value they add to the organization.
■ Coach your people on the next steps they should take after each
of their accomplishments.
■ Get a replacement ready to take your place.
■ Look, work, walk, and talk (without a hint of arrogance) like you
are already in the next job before you are so that people “see”
you in it.