Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Turing Award Winners Panel Discussion

Winners of the A.M.Turing Award, the Nobel Prize of computing, describe their singular contributions to the field, and their works’ impact. They also find time to discuss the current and future state of computer science.

1990 prize winner Fernando Corbato -- pioneered the idea of timesharing.

1992 award winner Butler Lampson describes the nearly free rein Xerox gave him and colleagues at PARC starting in 1970, which led to the first personal computer, a series of LISP machines, and other revolutionary technologies.

Andrew Chi-Chih Yao earned his 2000 Turing for the complexity-based theory of pseudorandom number generation, cryptography and communication complexity.

Ronald Rivest and MIT colleagues came up with an algorithm known as the RSA scheme, based on the difficulty of factoring two large prime numbers, launching a new era for cryptography, garnered the 2002 Turing Award.

Turing winner (2008), Barbara Liskov, who came up with a new conceptual framework for computer programming languages.

Watch this 59 minutes video