Thursday 24 December 2020

Events From Apr 2020: Jointly organised by CSI, ACM & IEEE CS Chennai Chapters

CSI Chennai, ACM Chennai & IEEE CS Madras have been jointly organising  online events from Apr 2020 during the pandemic period for the benefit of their members, professionals, faculty members and students.

These events (count 300+ and growing) were are free to participate. All well attended and found to be useful by the attendees.

Over and above, few paid symposiums & courses were also organised.

While most of the events are recorded and the recordings are shared with the participants,  from late 2020, the webinars are live streamed on YouTube and one can find them archived.

The following links will provide the details of the events organised month wise from Apr 2020. 

Feb 2021 events: (4)

Mar 2021 events: (6)

Apr 2021 events: (3)

May 2021 events: (2)

Jun 2021 events:  (3)

Jul 2021 events: (3)

Aug 2021 events: (3)

Sep 2021 events: (2)

Oct 2021 events: (2)

Dec 2021 events: (3)

2022 -2024 events: (88 -- till Jun 2024)

Events Reports


Sunday 20 December 2020

Intereresing Reads And Information -- IRAI -- 201221



Career Planning: A Lifelong Process

This six-step model is designed to help you make career decisions not only as you begin your career search but also throughout your lifelong career path.

Top 20 Must-Have Skills to Put on Your Resume

Writing a good resume is a difficult balancing act. You have to keep your resume length short and sweet, but still include enough quality information to make an impression.

When reviewing your credentials, hiring managers will hold a particular interest in the skills you possess. This means it’s very important to know what is relevant to the job when thinking of skills to list on your resume. And though it goes without saying, we’ll say it just in case: any skills listed on your resume should be skills you truly possess. 

So how do you figure out the best skills to put on your resume? And what if you’re looking to find a remote job?

Information Technology

Serverless Computing vs. Cloud Computing: What’s the Difference?

Serverless computing shifts server provisioning and compute management away from developers, operations, or DevOps teams to a cloud provider. Servers will continue to be used; but unlike cloud computing, the resources will be allocated on-demand and billed on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Software Development & DevOps

The future of DevOps: 21 predictions for 2021

Now that DevOps has entered its second decade, the focus has expanded beyond product delivery. It's no longer just about dev and ops, but about removing the constraints between the business and its customers, with a focus on delivering not just new features and products, but also value.

The predictions  of DevOps professionals & industry luminaries center on a few key themes. As companies accelerate their digital transformations, culture, leadership, and team dynamics will continue to shift; security and DevSecOps will be more critical than ever; analytics, AI, and machine learning will continue to disrupt both Dev and Ops; and organizations will tightly focus on value and value stream management. Here are their predictions.

Artificial intelligence and Robotics

Trends Collection on Artificial Intelligence
This collection highlights the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based methods to solve a diverse set of complex problems across a wide range of scientific disciplines. Over the past decade, the incredible growth of this highly interdisciplinary field has been driven by outstanding contributions from biologists, chemists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and more. The combination of such diverse disciplines, however, presents a challenge in the broad dissemination of key findings and capabilities. This interdisciplinary collection explores AI-based algorithms for the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease; discovery, synthesis, and optimization of molecules and materials; learning of both human and machine in cognitive and neural computation; and interpretation and understanding of large, multi-tiered data sets such as those in genomics and plant-stress phenotyping.

9 Robots That Are Invading The Agriculture Industry

Robotics are allowing farmers to be more efficient, and productive when managing crops

The world population is expected to hit a whopping number of 9 billion by 2050. What is expected to follow is a dramatic rise in agricultural production, doubling to meet the coming demand. This need has caused farmers to turn to robotics as a solution for the coming future.

Nevertheless, the growing population, rise of AI and new developments in robotics has caused the world of agriculture robotics to explode with innovation.

From nursery planting to shepherding and herding, here are some of the robots already in agriculture.


34 Cybersecurity Statistics to Lose Sleep Over in 2020

Every organization must deal with cybersecurity. Here are 34 eye-opening stats to chew on while working on your company's security plan. These stats include data on cyber crime, jobs and industry trends from dozens of security experts.

Funding & Fellowship

23 Funding Schemes For Women Entrepreneurs In India

There is a wide array to choose from depending on your needs. Read on to find out more about these financing opportunities.

CoronaSafe -- Engineering Fellowship!

CoronaSafe Engineering Fellowship is a national programme to identify the top 30 indian students in software engineering for an industry-led training to become full-stack developers and volunteer as the national engineering leadership cadre for public service.

The applications  for this free, industry-backed course which will prepare you for a career in building production software. are accepted til 5th Jan 2021.

Business & Management

Nine traits of the intelligent leader

19 Business Moats That Helped Shape The World’s Most Massive Companies

A business moat is a key competitive advantage that sets a company apart from its competitors. From Amazon and Uber to Starbucks and Disney, here are how 19 of the world's biggest companies have built and defended their moats. They are presented under four types of Moats: Network Effect Moats; Cost Moats; Cultural Moats; and Resource Moats.

27+ Tools That Make Working Remotely a Breeze

Are you working remotely because of COVID-19? Take a look at these great tools broadly grouped under: Remote desktop software; Real-time chat apps; Online video meeting software; Digital idea-sharing and collaboration tools; Work calendar and task management apps; Security apps for safe remote work; and Cloud sharing websites.

Trends & Future

24 Big Ideas that will change our world in 2021

Every December, LinkedIn editors ask our community of Influencers, Top Voices and frequent contributors to share the Big Ideas they believe will define the year ahead. This year, in the shadow of a once-in-a-century pandemic, we offer a selection of predictions and thoughts on where we go from here — at work, at home and everywhere in between. 

e-Estonia: The World's Most Advanced Digital Society

Named the most advanced digital society in the world by many, Estonians have built an efficient, secure, and transparent ecosystem where Unicorns find a solid ground to grow.

The Open Data Barometer

A global measure of how governments are publishing and using open data for accountability, innovation and social impact.

The Leaders Edition looks at the 30 governments that have adopted the Open Data Charter and those that, as G20 members, have committed to G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles. See the updated methodology for more. Open Data Barometer - 4th Edition is the latest full edition.


Is an MBA Degree Really Worth It?

Getting an MBA (Master of Business Administration) takes a lot of time, money, and effort. So it’s important to really think about whether or not it is worth your while to pursue one. Here are some things to consider.

The right reasons: To hone skills like influence, empathy, and building business strategies; to help you make a career pivot; to accelerate the pace of your professional development; to expand and diversify your professional network.

The wrong reasons: You’re looking for a magic pill that will give you more money or power; you’re bored in your current role; you don’t know what you want.

Health & Wellness

Ensure that your diet is 90% to 100% plant-based: 9 food rules from the world’s longest-living people

Books & Periodicals

E-Book: Digital Asset Management For Dummies

From cutting out content chaos to boosting brand consistency, discover the benefits of DAM. The purpose of this e-Book is to provide marketers, brand managers, digital content managers, and those who are new to digital asset management with the knowledge they need to implement DAM or improve their current ability to manage their digital assets.

Magazine: Science India Magazine. 

This full issue of Science India Magazine has special articles devoted to Mathematics

Newsletter: Recent industry trends - auto

This weekly newsletter, authored by Mr S Ramachandran, Principal Consultant,   Infosys Knowledge Instituite contains curated news articles in technology adoption along with research findings, points of view. 

IRAI Quiz -- 201221

1. ---------- is the India’s first indigenous microprocessor developed by IIT Madras

2. Expand: VoWiFi

3  Exascale Computing is the ability to run ---------- calculations per second

4. Amazon: AMZN = Apple : --------

5. Pareto principle is popularly known as -------- rule

6. -------------- refers to IT systems deployed by depts other than the central IT dept in an organisation

7  Deep Web is a part of Dark Web. State True / False

8. The name Vodafone stands for -----------------

9. ------------ (Azure / Edge) is the new browser from Microsoft which had replaced  Internet Explorer, the earlier browser. Select the right answer

10. Appsheet is a no-code development platform from -------- (Apple / Google). Select the right answer

Answers at the end


Events of CSI, ACM & IEEE CS in Dec 2020 & Jan 2021

26th Dec -- A Job Before Graduation: Proven Placement Tips for Students. 


29th Dec -- Understanding the Spirit-Mind-Brain-Body link for a better life.

2nd Jan -- Supply Chain Management and the Smart Factory Strategies.


8th Jan -- MLOps: Evolution of New Era Beyond DevOps.


23rd Jan -- Open Data for Sustainable Community.


30th Jan -- Experimental AI for Social Good.

Pl refer for pdf invite, presentation & speaker details of CSI, ACM & IEEE CS events in:

Dec 2020:

Jan 2021:


For additional events in 

Dec 2020: 

Jan 2021:

Answers to IRAI Quiz -- 201211

1. Shakti
2. Voice Over Wi Fi
3. Quintillion
5. 80/20
6. Shadow IT
7. False
8. Voice and data services over phone
9. Edge
10. Google


Saturday 19 December 2020

Jan 2021: Forthcoming Events

Dear friends

Please find details of few select forthcoming events scheduled during Jan 2021. While some are organised by CSI, ACM, IEEE CS Chennai Chapters and other respectable associations & instituitions.

Pl register and get benefited. 

With regards  -- HR Mohan

Events Summary

30th Jan  2021 at 6 pm IST.  CSI, ACM & IEEE CS webinar on "Experimental AI for Social Good" by Dr. Parag Kulkarni, Professor, AI and ML, Tokyo International University, Japan, CEO and Chief Scientist, iKnowlation Research Labs, Pune Register at

30th Jan 2021 at 10 30 am IST. ISOC India Chennai Chapter presents a webinar on "Understanding Data Privacy" by Ms.Shivangi, CEO & Co-founder of Arrka. Register at

Completed Events

2nd Jan 2021 at 6 pm IST. IEEE CS, ACM & CSI webinar on "Supply Chain Management and the Smart Factory Strategies". Register at

4-8 Jan 2021 at 9.30 pm IST. Dept of CSE, Univ of Texas at Dallas. Winter Break Workshop on "Data Science with Python & R" by Prof Kamran Khan.  Details at

7th Jan 2021 at 6 30 pm IST. Workshop on "The Law of Attraction" by Dr Prithika Chary. Register at

7th Jan 2021 at 10 am IST. LTC2021 -- Library Technology Conclave: Pre Conclave Workshop on "AI for eScience" by Dr. Mandar Mutalikdesai, AI Solutions and Practice Leader,IBM,Bengaluru. Register at

8th Jan 2021 at 6 pm IST. CSI, ACM & IEEE CS webinar on "MLOps: Evolution of New Era Beyond DevOps"  by Mr. Biswajit Chatterjee, Solution Architect – CoE, Tata Consultancy Services Limited Register at

8th Jan 2021 at 3 pm IST. LTC2021 -- Library Technology Conclave: Pre Conclave Workshop on SEMANTIC SEARCH: "The Current Frontier of Search Technology" by Professor Ricardo Baeza-yates, Institute for Experiential AI Northeastern University at Silicon Valley California, USA. Register at

8th Jan 2020 at 6 pm IST. TEDx Gateway presents a session on "Be The Change - Leadership Post Covid and Beyond". Join the Founder of Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME) and UNICEF’s Special Representative for Young People and Innovation - Ravi Venkatesan in conversation with Govindraj Ethiraj. Register at

8th Jan 2021 at 6.30 pm IST.  IIT Madras presents SIDDHI Webinar series event  on "Fluid Thinking: What differentiates those who change the course of Human History" by  Dr. Ashish Jaiswal, University of Oxford, Associate Fellow and Oxford Centre for higher education policy studies, UK. Register at

9th Jan 2021 at 6.30 pm IST.  IIT Madras presents SIDDHI Webinar series event  on "Mentoring in Nation Building" by Dr. Pijush Ghosh, Project Lead, Teach to Learn, Associate Professor, Dept of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras. Register at

9th Jan 2021 at 3 pm IST. School of Scholars, Meghe Group and CSpathshala Webinar For all high school students and teachers on "THE SCIENCE OF COMPUTING" by Pankaj Jalote, Distinguished Professor, IIIT,  Delhi. Join  on Facebook:

9th Jan 2021 at  3 pm IST. LIS Academy, Distinguished Lecture Series Lecture on "Restoring pride of place to libraries and librarians – a demand-side perspective" by Dr. Sandhya Shekhar, Former Founding CEO, IIT Madras Research Park, Advisor and Strategy Consultant. Chennai. Cisco WebEx Platform Link: Meeting Number: 126 271 8771 Meeting Password: lisah  OR https//

9th Jan 2021 at 4 pm IST. Online All India Convention "Make Knowledge Free, Not Private Property". Speakers: Prof. P Balaram, former Director, IISc Bangalore; Prof. S C Lakhotia, INSA Senior Scientist, Banaras Hindu University; and Prof. Soumitro Banerjee, General Secretary, Breakthrough Science Society and Professor, IISER Kolkata. Register at

10th Jan 2021 at  10 am IST. 22nd World Reiki Day 2021 on the theme  "Reiki  - The shield for humanity"
Join Zoom Meeting at

10th Jan 2021 at 6.30 pm IST.  IIT Madras presents SIDDHI Webinar series event  on "Importance of School-Univ Partnership – Case study of a Grade K-12 Graduate Fellows Project" by Dr. Rajesh Ganesan, Associate Professor, System Engineering and operations research, George Mason University, USA. Register at

11th Jan 2021. WiLab - Huawei JIC Workshop on Intelligent IoT for 6G. For more details & to register

12th Jan 2021 at 3 pm IST. Dell Technologies presents a webinar on "Going Remote: Virtualizing Your Desktops and Applications". Register at

12th Jan 2021 at 6 pm IST. ACM India Education Webinar on "How to Better Prepare CS/IT Graduates for Industry" by Navin Kabra, co-founder and CTO of Register at

12-15 Jan 2021 at 9.30 pm IST. Dept of CSE, Univ of Texas at Dallas. Winter Break Workshop on "Artificial Intelligence BootCamp (Azure)" by Martha Bridges. Details at

13th Jan 2021 at 11.30 pm IST. easyDITA presents a webinar on "How To Dramatically Improve Documentation Team Efficiency". Register at

13th Jan 2021 at 11 am CST. ACM Chicago presents an event "A Conversation with Ruby on Rails creator David Heinemeier Hansson". For details and to register

13th Jan 2021 at 3 pm IST. ET Wealth: Be Future Ready Financially Webinar Series presents a webinar on "It is never too late to catch the bus". Speakers: Gaurav Dilip Mashruwala,Financial Expert and Author of "Yogic Wealth" &  Vivek Bengani, Chief Agency Officer, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance. Register at

14th Jan 2021 at 6.30 pm IST. Workshop session on "Chronobiology - The Secret To Your Body Rhythms" by Dr Prithika Chary. Register at

14th Jan 2021  at 7 pm CET. CMSWire presents a webinar on "Best Practices for Enabling a Remote and Hybrid Workforce". Register at

14th Jan 2021 at 12 pm ET.  Harvard Business Review presents a webinar on "Using Digital Tools for More Personalized Health Care" featuring X. Shirley Chen and Mitesh S. Patel, coauthors of the recent HBR article, “Digital Health Tools Offer New Opportnities for Personalized Care”. Register at

16th  Jan 2021 at 11 am IST. ISOC India Mumbai Women in Technology Leadership webinar on "Learning and Thriving in the Digital Age". Register at

16th Jan 2021 at 6.30 pm IST. Tedx Gateway presents a virtual session on   "How to Reclaim Your Time & Happiness" by  Behavioural Scientist - Prof. Ashley Whillans. Register at

19th Jan  2021 at 19.30 pm IST. BrightTalk presents a webinar on "Understanding Content Design". Register at

20th Jan 2021 at 1 pm EST. BrightTALK presents a webinar on "Legal Considerations to Hosting Your Data and Operations in the Cloud". Register at

20th Jan 2021 at 5.30 pm IST. TiE Chennai. Indic way power series | I'M GONNA DO IT - The Power To Succeed. For details and to register

20th Jan 2021 at 3 pm IST.  Data Security Council of India (DSCI) in association with ZNet Technologies presents a virtual panel discussion on  "Unconventional Cyberthreats -  How to proactively prevent them?". Register at

20th Jan 2021 at 10 am PT.  SNIA LIVE Webcast on "Data Privacy and Data Protection in the COVID Era" Register at

20th Jan 2021 at 2.30 pm IST. Azim Premji University. Symposium series on Open Access to Humanities and Social Sciences information.  The first symposiumon “Research and Evaluation in Humanities and Social Sciences”. Register at

20th Jan 2021 at 9.30 pm IST. BrightTalk presents a webinar on "Build a Better Webinar: Speaker Prep". For more  info and to register

21st  Jan 2021 at 11 am IST. HCC, ACM Chennai,  IEEE CS Madras  &  CSI Chennai jointly present a webinar on "Role of Digitalisation in Indian Economic Revival"  by Dr Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan, Director, Infinite Sum Modelling LLC, Seattle & Senior Economist  and Affiliate Faculty Member, Univ.  of Washington Seattle, USA. Register

21st Jan2021 at   4pm GMT. CMSWire presents a webinar on "Experience at Scale: How to Build a Data-Driven Digital Workplace". Register at

21st Jan 2021 at 3 pm IST. Express Computer  in association with AWS presents a webinar on, “Improved Citizen Services in the New Normal”. Register at

21st Jan 2021 at 10 am EST. IEEE webinar on "Presentation Skills for Technical Work: Where are we now? Part 1 - University Work". Register at

21st Jan 2021 at 1 pm EST. Webinar on "Streamlining Content Platform Migrations: What do librarians need to know and what you can do to help". Register at

21st Jan 2021 at 2 pm EST. Industry Week hosted webinar, sponsored by Ultra Consultants and Sage  on  "Manufacturing 2021 - 4 Industry Trends to Watch and 3 Smart Moves to Make". Register at

21st Jan 2021 at 3 pm IST. & nVIDIA present a virtual session on "Designing & Deploying an Enterprise AI Strategy". Register at

23rd Jan 2021 at 6 pm IST. ACM, IEEE CS & CSI ACM DS Talk on "Open Data for Sustainable Community" by Dr. Neha Sharma, ACM Distinguished Speaker, Analytics & Insights, Tata Consultancy Services Register at

25th Jan 2021 at 5 pm GMT. Harvard Business Review webinar on  "How to Develop Your Leadership Style" by Suzanne J. Peterson, Associate Professor of Leadership at the Thunderbird School of Global Management. Register at

26th Jan 2021 at 8 pm CET. CMSWire presents a webinar on "Brave New World: How CX Changed in a Flash". Register at

26th Jan 2021 at 1 pm GMT.  Academia Europaea presents a webinar on ‘New Perspectives on COVID-19’  which will consist of 6 presentations by Members of  Academia Europaea,  who have all recently published papers on various biomedical aspects of COVID-19. Register at

28-29 Jan 2021. Amazon AI Conclave.

Day 1 (Business Edition): For business and technology leaders from startups and enterprises (CXO, Product, Marketing)

Day 2 (Technical Edition): For Data Scientists, ML developers, Data Engineers and Architects

For details and to register

28th Jan 2021 at 10 am EST. IEEE webinar on "Presentation Skills for Technical Work: Where are we now? Part 2 - Professional Work". Register at

28th Jan 2021 at 2 pm EST. IndustryWeek-hosted webinar, sponsored by Infor on "Industry 4.0 Predictions for 2021". Register at

28th Jan 2021 at 2 pm EST. Siemens presents Executive Cybersecurity Forum for Manufacturers with the following sessions: Keynote: Why industrial cybersecurity is a risk management topic that all manufacturing executives must address; Panel Discussion: How can manufacturers mitigate risks of cyberthreats, sabotage and accidental manipulation?; and Presentation: Identifying the right investments and OT cybersecurity solutions to protect your manufacturing network. More info and to register

28th Jan 2021 at 9.30 am PT.  LaunchDarkly presents Fireside Chat on "The State of DevOps in 2021".  Register at

28th Jan 2021 at 5 pm IST.  ACM India Webinar Series on Education: "Privacy—Challenges and Opportunities" by Sachin Lodha, TCS, Corporate Research and Innovation Team. Register at

28th Jan 2021  at 4 pm  IST. ASSOCHAM  hosts a.  International Virtual Conference on “Securities Law and Market Manipulations in the ERA of E-Governance”. Register at

28th Jan 2021 at 11 am IST. ACM Eminent Speaker Program on "How to Write a Good Research Paper" by Dr. R Venkateswaran, Eminent Speaker of ACM, and Senior Vice President, Persistent Systems Ltd., Pune. Register at

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Dec 2020: Summary of webinars organised by CSI, ACM & IEEE CS Chennai

In the month of Dec 2020, the following nine webinars were organised. They were very informative and well attended.

1st Dec 2020: IEEE CS, ACM & CSI webinar on “How to be Prepared for the New Placement Scenario? What the Students and Colleges can do?” by Dr. S.M. Sameer, Professor & Head, Training & Placement, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala India.


Video recording:
(Duration:  1 Hour 38 Minutes. File Size: 342 MB)


5th Dec 2020: CSI, ACM & IEEE CS webinar on “Green ICT and Data Centres for Digital Transformation” by Dr. M. V. Chilukuri, Associate Professor, Power Systems and Smart Grid, School of Electrical Engineering, VIT Vellore.


Presentation materials:

Video recording :
(Duration:  1 Hour 30 Minutes. File Size: 317 MB)


8th Dec 2020: IEEE CS, ACM & CSI webinar on “Demystifying Fintech - Payment Systems” by Mr. Sridhar Pandurangiah, Founder and CTO, Sastra Technologies.

Presentation materials:

Video recording:
(Duration:  1 Hour 39 Minutes. File Size: 350 MB)

12th Dec 2020: ACM, IEEE CS & CSI webinar on “What Is Software Engineering Anyway? -- Reflections on 50 Years of Software Engineering and the Road Ahead!” by Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda, ACM India Eminent Speaker, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Tirupati, India held on 12th Dec 2020.



Video recording:

(Duration:  1 Hour 31 Minutes. File Size: 320 MB)


15th Dec 2020: CSI, ACM & IEEE CS webinar on “Demystifying Cryptocurrencies” by Mr. G. Arjun Vijay, Co-founder & Chief Operating Officer, Giottus Technologies Pvt Ltd held on 15th Dec 2020.


Link to the presentation materials:
Video recording: 
(Duration:  1 Hour 14 Minutes. File Size: 260 MB)


19th Dec 2020: ACM, IEEE CS & CSI webinar on “Cognitive Computing for Efficient Knowledge Discovery in Big Data” by Dr. S. Balamurugan, ACM Distinguished Speaker, Founder & Chairman Albert Einstein Engineering and Research Labs, Vice Chairman, Renewable Energy Society of India held on 19th Dec 2020.


Link to the presentation materials:

Video recording: 
(Duration:  1 Hour 39 Minutes. File Size: 350 MB)


22nd Dec 2020: IEEE CS, ACM & CSI webinar on “Data Privacy Trends and Challenges in Compliance” by Mr. Ramkumar Ramachandran, Founder & Principal Consultant, Ascentant Corporation held on 22nd Dec 2020.


Link to the presentation materials:

Video recording:
(Duration:  1 Hour 44 Minutes. File Size: 369 MB)


26th Dec 2020: CSI, ACM & IEEE CS webinar on “A Job Before Graduation - Proven Placement Tips for Students” by Mr. Gokul Santhanam, Senior Vice President & HR Head – Global Delivery, Mphasis Limited.


Presentation materials:

Video recording:
(Duration:  1 Hour 24 Minutes. File Size: 292 MB) 


29th Dec 2020: ACM, IEEE CS & CSI webinar on “Understanding the Spirit-Mind-Brain-Body link for a better life” by Dr. Prithika Chary, Sr Consultant, Neurologist, Neurosurgeon & Epileptologist, HOD, Neurosciences, Kauvery Hospital, Founder, Creative Karma.


Presentation materials:

Video recording: 
(Duration:  1 Hour 26 Minutes. File Size: 304 MB)
