Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Answers to INFOTECH Quiz - 004 to 010

Answers to INFOTECH Quiz - 004

  1. Kolkata
  2. Fictional Robots
  3. HTC Dream
  4. R
  5. HDFC
  6. Pepper
  7. IBM
  8. Drones
  9. Airtel Zero
  10. Deep Stereo

Answers to INFOTECH Quiz - 005

  1. Wipro
  2. Android
  3. Ola
  4. Nearbuy
  5. Andhra Pradesh
  6. Maharashtra
  7. Bangladesh
  8. Ha ha
  9. Intel
  10. Jibo

Answers to INFOTECH Quiz - 006

  1. Twitter
  2. Digital India
  3. Airtel
  4. Kerala
  5. Kanpur
  6. ICANN
  7. Tamil Nadu
  8. Taj Mahal
  9. Microsoft
  10. Cortana

Answers to INFOTECH Quiz - 007

  1. Sans-Serif
  2. abc.xyz
  3. IBM /
  4. CTS             
  5. Infosys
  6. Two
  7. John McAfee
  8. Udacity
  9. Smartphone
  10. Dreamwriter