Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Unveiling the winning ideas of PMO Mobile App Contest (Phase-I)

MyGov launched the much awaited and exciting contest for the Prime Minister’s Mobile App on 4th March, 2015 in collaboration with Google. Over the period of the Ideation Phase of the contest (Phase-I), which was held between 4th March to 23rd March 2015, over 9,000 entries were received. Most entries had multiple ideas which the contributors suggested for possible inclusion in the app. Therefore, in terms of number of ideas as part of the entries, more than 50,000 ideas were suggested during this phase of the contest.

While judging the entries, it was decided that ideas would be judged on their individual merit alone. The jury took into account the innovation in the idea, description of the idea, popularity of each idea and the implementability of the idea, among other factors, during an extensive review.

It gives us immense pleasure to announce the top 20 entries (total 21 ideas). Read on for a précis of the actual shortlisted ideas that has been selected, along with the names of the twenty winners. Links to pictorial or documentary explanations, which a contributor may have attached as part of their entry to expand on their idea better, have also been listed below each respective winning entry.

Each selected idea, listed below in no particular order, would win an Android One device from Google and a Certificate of Appreciation from MyGov.

See the list of winning ideas

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