Sunday, 12 July 2015

10th Anniversary Celebrations of YouTube by CSI & IEEE CS & IEEE PCS at Chennai

The Computer Society of India, Chennai, IEEE Computer Society, Madras
and IEEE Professional Communication Society, Madras  celebrated the
10th Anniversary Celebrations of YouTube by Screening and having a
Discussions on “Best of YouTube” on 18th May 2015.

A select no. of video clips crowd sourced from the members of the
organising societies and supporting organisations and others were
screened. The contributors of the video clips were rewarded Rs. 250/- each.

It may be noted that this was the first programme by CSI. IEEE CS &
IEEE PCS where the content was crowd sourced.

Following the screening of videos, an open quiz on YouTube was held
and those answered the questions were rewarded with Rs. 50/= for each
correct answer.

For the presentation and the Best of YouTube video clips  Visit

Following the screening of videos, an open quiz on YouTube was held and those answered the questions were rewarded with Rs. 50/= for each correct answer.

For the YouTube Quiz questions Visit

For the YouTube Quiz answers Visit

For the photos taken at the event Visit 

We acknowledge various Internet resources including YouTube for
creating this presentation.

Your feedback on this programme are welcome.

You can send your feedback to H.R. Mohan, Imm. Past President, CSI,
Chair, IEEE CS & PCS and the author of the presentation by email at

With regards

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