Even small changes to homepages can have drastic effects. Consider the homepage for The New York Times. If you kept all design and writing exactly the same on this site but decided to show only local New York content on the homepage and link to all national and international news, it would inexorably alter the entire site. On closer examination, this change doesn't seem small at all.
While we encourage you to use these guidelines as a checklist when designing your homepage, recognize that they are written in an abbreviated manner here. You'll need to look at the individual site examples to see these guidelines used properly or, more often, overlooked. This is an extensively illustrated book, and it is only in the context of a visual example that you can fully appreciate the negative impact of ignoring these guidelines.
All said, these are just guidelines, not axioms. For all sites, there are surely exceptions. However, we've developed these guidelines from our combined 14 years of experience, running user tests on homepages and observing what makes them pass or fail user scrutiny. Although you can greatly improve the usability of your homepage by following these guidelines, you also need to involve your own users in the process through methods such as field studies and usability testing and incorporate iterative feedback into your development cycle. If you make a decision not to follow a guideline, do so based on customer information in the context of your homepage.
The guidelines are presented under the following broad categories.
Communicating the Site's Purpose
Communicating Information About Your Company
Content Writing
Revealing Content Through Examples
Archives and Accessing Past Content
Tools and Task Shortcuts
Graphics and Animation
Graphic Design
UI Widgets
Window Titles
News and Press Releases
Popup Windows and Staging Pages
Communicating Technical Problems and Handling Emergencies
Page Reload and Refresh
Gathering Customer Data
Fostering Community
dates and times
Stock Quotes and Displaying Numbers