Thursday, 17 November 2011

17 Rules Successful Companies Use to Attract and Keep Top Talent

This book is about developing outstanding employees and getting them to stay. It’s about building a workforce that’s truly engaged, committed, aligned with strategy, and capable of incredible performance.

Simply put, it’s about optimizing the #1 factor associated with outsmarting, outhustling, and outexecuting your competition: your people.

You’ll learn exactly what great companies do differently when it comes to managing their people. And you’ll learn how to apply those lessons in virtually every aspect of your organization: from resourcing and compensation to leadership development, culture, and beyond.

Want people who care, engage, work hard, support your strategies, and deliver results? Start right here.

The 17 Rules Are:

Rule #1: Understand why employee comw and why they stay

Rule #2: Play “Win-Win” with Your Employees (and Allow Them to Be All They Can Be for Self and Company)

Rule #3: Cultivate Leadership, Not Management, and Know the Difference!

Rule #4: Provide Ample and Appropriate Resources

Rule #5: Demand Contribution; Be Worthy of Receiving It

Rule #6: Applaud Effort; Reward Contribution

Rule #7: Cheerlead; The “Magic” of M&Ms

Rule #8: Build a Workplace on a Foundation of Respect

Rule #9: Cultivate the Risk-Trust Dynamic

Rule #10: Make Room for Fun in the Workplace (Nurture Lightheartedness/Levity)

Rule #11: Create Opportunities for Employee “Alignment” with Vision, Values, and Mission

Rule #12: Understand Human Capital

Rule #13: Treat Employees as “Volunteers”

Rule #14: Know Your Culture

Rule #15: Understand the Nature of Change and Prepare Your Employees to Embrace It

Rule #16: Cultivate Organizational Ethics; Demand and Reward Ethical Behavior

Rule #17: The Last and Overarching Rule: Tell the Truth! (and a Few Action Items to Grow On)

Author: David Russo