Wednesday 12 August 2020

In-depth guide to machine learning in the enterprise

Enterprises are adopting machine learning technologies at rapid rates. In this machine learning guide, we break down what you need to know about this transformative technology.

Machine learning for enterprise use is exploding. From improving customer experience to developing products, there's almost no area of the modern business untouched by machine learning.

Machine learning is a pathway to creating artificial intelligence, which in turn is one of the primary drivers of machine learning use in the enterprise. There is some disagreement over the exact nature of the relationship between AI and machine learning. Some see machine learning as a subfield of AI, while others view AI essentially as a subfield of machine learning. In general, AI aims to replicate some aspect of human perception or decision-making, whereas machine learning can be used to enhance or automate virtually any task, not just ones related to human cognition. However you view them, the two concepts are closely linked, and they are feeding off each other's popularity.

The practice of machine learning involves taking data, examining it for patterns and developing some sort of prediction about future outcomes. By feeding an algorithm more data over time, data scientists can sharpen the machine learning model's predictions. From this basic concept, a number of different types of machine learning have developed:

Supervised machine learning

Unsupervised machine learning

Semisupervised machine learning

Reinforcement learning

From these four main types of machine learning, enterprises have developed an impressive array of techniques and applications. Everything from relatively simple sales forecasting to today's most cutting-edge AI tools run on machine learning models. This guide to machine learning in the enterprise explores the variety of use cases for machine learning, the challenges to adoption, how to implement machine learning technologies and much more.

Full Guide

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