Friday 5 February 2016

25 Business Lies To Dump In 2016

We are all stepping into the new-millennium workplace together. It’s a very different place from the traditional working world.

Long-term employment is a dim memory. We are all entrepreneurs now. The old rules are dropping by the wayside. You won’t retire from the job you have now, unless you are very close to retirement already or work for the government.

The rest of us will fend, bob, weave and maneuver our way from here to our retirement date – if there is such a thing as retirement at all when we get to that point.

We are firmly rooted in the Knowledge Economy now. The Machine Age is behind us. The only fuel that powers our organizations is the commitment of our teams, but many leaders haven’t gotten that message yet. They are still leading with an Industrial Revolution mindset.

They manage through fear instead of trust. That’s why so many working people are fed up and cynical. They’re tired of being treated like disposable parts by their employers, while company slogans and plaques on the wall talk about Team Values. That’s a huge disconnect.

Working people are tired of employers who talk the talk but can’t walk the walk.

The old business world was constructed on a set of beliefs that are no longer true, if they were ever true to begin with. Here are 25 of the most prevalent and ready-for-the-dustbin business lies to dump in 2016.

How many of these lies have you been taught since childhood — and how many of them still rule the day in your workplace?

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