Interesting Reads – 2019-07-08
Read the Current Interesting Reads Post at
IR Quiz at
of Interesting Reads Posts at
- How to become a project manager: A cheat sheet
- Are passwords obsolete? 5 things that could replace them
- DARPA’S $1.5-Billion Remake of U.S. Electronics: Progress Report
- What's shaping the future of UI and UX design
- Top 15 Trends in the Medical Robots disrupting Healthcare Industry
- What can we do for Indian Start-up Ecosystem; I say - A lot
- Aesthetic Computing
- 20 Amazing Commercials to Inspire the Greatness in You
- 23 health and science books you should read this summer
- How Anger Affects the Brain and Body
- ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies
- The future of women at work: Transitions in the age of automation
- The complete list of alternatives to all Google products
- How To Remember What You Read
- Bonus: Unexpected lessons from the animal world
Events /
- Mini Tutorial on “Demystifying Internet of Things (IoT)” on 20th Jul 2019
- UX meetup with a presentation on Academic UX on 27th Jul 2019 at IIT Madras
- Call For Papers to Special Sessions: IEEE TENCON 2019 at Kochi during 17-19 Oct 2019. Last date 15th Jul 2019
- NPTEL: Enrolment for 358 courses in July to Dec 2019 semester is open now
- UGAM - Legrand Scholarship for Girls in engineering & architecture colleges
- HCL Tech Bee: Preparing students for entry level IT jobs
- TIC 2019: Tamil Internet Conference. 20-22 Sep 2019 at Chennai
- CSI’s 53rd Annual Convention – 27-29 Sep 2019 at Udaipur
- IEEE INDICON-2019 at Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat during 13-15 Dec 2019
in the IR Quiz – 2019-07-08 and win Rs. 250/- worth Amazon Gift Voucher from Dynamic Group. Visit
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How to
become a project manager: A cheat sheet
2027, employers will need nearly 88 million professionals in project
management-oriented roles globally, according to a report from the Project
Management Institute (PMI). The profession is expected to grow by 33% between
2017 and 2027, the report found, adding 22 million new jobs. This is a great
time for professionals to begin building the skills needed to enter this
lucrative career field and help companies meet their strategic goals across
every industry. To help those interested in the field better understand how to
break into a career in project management, we compiled the most important
details and resources. This guide on how to become a project manager will be
updated on a regular basis.
Related Post: Project
Management Job Growth and Talent Gap 2017–2027
passwords obsolete? 5 things that could replace them
represent a common entry point for hackers in enterprise networks. With
millions of professionals and consumers still using the most-hacked passwords
like "123456," "qwerty," and "password," and the
rise of other more secure forms of identification, it appears that traditional
passwords may become obsolete in the near future. Companies including Microsoft
have already announced intentions to replace traditional typed passwords with
other secure credentials.
what will the passwords of the future look like? Considering current trends,
it's likely that within five years, biometric-based identification systems will
be more widespread, and used alongside two-factor authentication for extra
security, said Paul Lipman, CEO of cybersecurity firm BullGuard in an email.
While traditional passwords won't completely die out in that time, they will
likely be supplemented by other measures more frequently, he added..'
Post: Top 5 ways to pick a secure password
$1.5-Billion Remake of U.S. Electronics: Progress Report
a year ago, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency pulled back the
covers on its five-year, $1.5-billion scheme to remake the U.S. electronics
industry. The Electronics Resurgence Initiative included efforts in “aggressive
specialization” for chip architectures, systems that are smart enough to
reconfigure themselves for whatever data you throw at them, open-source
hardware, 24-hour push-button system design, and carbon-nanotube-enabled 3D
chip manufacturing, among other cool things. As always with DARPA, this is
high-risk research; but if even half of it works out, it could change the
nature not just of what kinds of systems are designed but also of who makes them
and how they’re made.
What's shaping the future of UI and UX design
No longer is UI and UX design an afterthought or
even a minor consideration for enterprise software projects. Instead, it's a
major component of the software development lifecycle.
As the discipline of UI and UX design matures, more
forms of specialization will emerge, and more industries will increase their
investment in those efforts. But how, exactly, will that work materialize?
Aaron Fazulak, director of design education at
Flatiron School, says many enterprises now see a good UX as a competitive
advantage, especially as applications become more multi-sensory with their
input and output.
Top 15
Trends in the Medical Robots disrupting Healthcare Industry
top 15 trends in the Medical Robots is redefining and creating a world where
robots will play an integral part in treating and curing sick patients than
can we do for Indian Start-up Ecosystem; I say - A lot
per the insights from the Indian Economic Survey 2018-19, India needs to cut
interest rates, ease labour rules, reduce capital gains tax on start-up
investments and encourage infant firms to grow at a sustained 8% rate to reach
the GDP target by 2024-25. It also prescribed a private investment-led growth
strategy to achieve India’s vision of making India a $5 trillion economy.
figures and insights from the Indian Economic Survey are firm indicators that
we Indians need to shift gears and move towards the next wave of disruption
where start-up ecosystem and infant firms play an unparalleled role in driving
growth. It also indicated that the government now needs to establish more
concrete policies favouring adoption of solutions by upcoming start-ups and
generate additional programs to improve India’s standing in the start-up world.
However, the pressure is not only limited to what the government needs to do
but also on upcoming Indian start-ups to develop digital assets which have the
ability to solve unique and local problems that are global in nature and be
able to solve them first (instead of being me2 of west)
phrase "Aesthetic Computing" while taken literally applies the
philosophical area of aesthetics to the field of computing, and work in the
area is broadly defined as such; however, in my operational definition for the
work we do in my research lab and in teaching, aesthetic computing is treated
as embodied formal language. The purpose of aesthetic computing is to deliver
knowledge and practice of formal languages using aesthetic products as a
vehicle. Aesthetic Computing is founded on an increasing collection of
literature on the role of the body in learning, specifically in mathematics.
This foundation is then applied to the field of computing whose formal language
elements are extensions of mathematics.
Amazing Commercials to Inspire the Greatness in You
you watch TV? If you do, you would have seen countless commercial clips in
between TV segments, where companies frantically advertise their products and
services in 15-45 seconds, hoping to grab your attention and get you to buy
their stuff.
this post, the author of the post has gathered 20 inspiring commercials that
will open your mind. Some of these commercials are funny, some touching, some
inspiring, and some mind-blowing. Some will bring tears to your face. With each
commercial is an important message to take away. 🙂
health and science books you should read this summer
delivers fast, deep, and tough-minded journalism about life sciences and the
fast-moving business of making medicines. Each year, STAT publishes a list of
summer book recommendations for those interested in health and science. Read on
for recommendations from CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna and Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield. Plus, STAT readers from Boston
to Ireland to Australia share their picks, in addition to STAT staff. Enjoy!
How Anger Affects the Brain and Body
There are times when we fly into a rage, such as
when we face an outrageous situation or when we have an argument with a loved
one. We may think that our anger is justified (and it probably is), and we have
every right to be angry.
But do you know what happens each time you get
angry? Firstly, the first spark of anger activates our amygala, the part of our
brain that’s involved with the experiencing of emotions — before you’re even
aware of the anger itself. This begins a chain reaction in our brain which
leads to our adrenal glands secreting stress hormones like cortisol,
adrenaline, and noradrenaline.
‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies
Long before the term “influencer” was coined, young
people played that social role by creating and interpreting trends. Now a new
generation of influencers has come on the scene. Members of Gen Z—loosely,
people born from 1995 to 2010— are true digital natives: from earliest youth,
they have been exposed to the internet, to social networks, and to mobile
systems. That context has produced a hypercognitive generation very comfortable
with collecting and cross-referencing many sources of information and with
integrating virtual and offline experiences.
The future of women at work: Transitions in the age of automation
The age of automation, and on the near horizon,
artificial intelligence (AI) technologies offer new job opportunities and
avenues for economic advancement, but women face new challenges overlaid on
long-established ones. Between 40 million and 160 million women globally may
need to transition between occupations by 2030, often into higher-skilled
roles. To weather this disruption, women (and men) need to be skilled, mobile,
and tech-savvy, but women face pervasive barriers on each, and will need
targeted support to move forward in the world of work.
A new McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) report, The
future of women at work: Transitions in the age of automation (PDF–2MB), finds
that if women make these transitions, they could be on the path to more
productive, better-paid work. If they cannot, they could face a growing wage
gap or be left further behind when progress toward gender parity in work is
already slow.
The complete list of
alternatives to all Google products
With growing concerns over online privacy and
securing personal data, more people than ever are considering alternatives to
Google products. After all, Google’s business model essentially revolves around
data collection and advertisements, both of which infringe on your privacy.
More data means better (targeted) ads and more revenue. The company pulled in
over $116 billion in ad revenue last year alone – and that number continues to
But the word is getting out. A growing number of
people are seeking alternatives to Google products that respect their privacy
and data. This guide aims to be the most exhaustive resource available for
documenting alternatives to Google product. So let’s get started (in no
particular order or preference).
How To Remember What You Read
It’s all well and good to read a lot of books. You flip those pages every night before bed, at every bus stop, and on every lunch break. You watch your bookshelf pile up with tomes you’ve torn through in record time. But what good is all that effort if you don’t remember what you read?
All respect to Ralphie, but remembering what you read
is where it’s at. A friend of mine Tweeted the other day that they got half-way
through reading a book and realised they had already read it – and that ain’t
good! If you’re in the same boat, you’re in luck, because this happens to be my
specialty. See, in a former life, I was a psychology graduate (with first class
honours, thank you very much!). When I started thinking about what I could tell
my friend on how to remember what you read, my brain instantly whirred into
cognitive psychology mode, throwing up theories of memory processing and
forgetting curves. The fact that I remember any of that stuff – stuff I read in
textbooks over five years ago – should be the proof in this bloggy pudding.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to get all technical on you – here are my best,
practical tips on how to remember what you read.
Bonus: Unexpected lessons from the animal world
These TED speakers (in 7 talks of 1hr 31 min) gained
remarkable knowledge by closely studying animal behavior. What do their
insights mean for you?
Events /
Mini Tutorial on
“Demystifying Internet of Things (IoT)” on 20th Jul 2019
This half-a-day mini
tutorial jointly organized by IEEE Computer Society, Madras Chapter, ACM Chennai Professional Chapter, Computer
Society of India, Chennai Chapter in association with Meenakshi Sundararajan
Engineering College will provide an overview of IoT through the following
sessions and make one familiarize with the fast growing technology framework. .
IoT: An Introduction;
Scope of IoT in Current and Future Applications; IoT Architecture and
Implementation; IoT Protocols & Standards; IoT for Consumer, Industry
Applications; IoT Business Case Studies & Use cases; IoT Tools and Support;
and Demo of IoT kit
A participation
certificate will be presented to those who qualify in the test to be
administered at the end of the tutorial.
To facilitate
personal interaction, the number of participants will be limited and the
registration will be first come first served basis. For additional details and
queries, pl. contact: Dr Rajesh Kumar, Solution Architect, Eishaa Networks,
Time, date & venue: 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. on
Saturday, 20th Jul 2019 at the Seminar Hall, Meenakshi Sundararajan
Engineering College, Kodambakkam, Chennai- 600024
Event details and registration at:
UX meetup with a
presentation on Academic UX on 27th Jul 2019 at IIT Madras
The formal PDF
invite is at
To facilitate logistics, please pre-register at
To facilitate logistics, please pre-register at
Call For Papers
to Special Sessions: IEEE TENCON 2019 at Kochi during 17-19 Oct 2019. Last date 15th Jul 2019
TENCON is the flagship premier
international technical conference of IEEE Region 10. The Theme for TENCON 2019
is "Technology, Knowledge, and Society", and it will be held during
17th to 20th October, 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Bolgatty, Kochi, Kerala.
Papers to Special Sessions: Submission deadline: 15th
Jul 2019
More at
NPTEL: Enrolment for 358 courses
in July to Dec 2019 semester is open now
announces the opening of enrolment for 358
courses in July to Dec 2019 semester.
To join a course pl. visit
UGAM - Legrand
Scholarship for Girls in engineering & architecture colleges
up millions of Indian homes, Legrand, the global specialist in electrical and
digital building infrastructure has also been empowering education dreams of
young women who wish to be the future leaders in the field of technology.
- Legrand Scholarship program 2019-20, powered by Legrand, supports meritorious
girl students to pursue a career in Engineering and Architecture.
in the year 2018-19, the scholarship program has been assisting the promising
future women leaders in the field of
technology. Under the second edition of UGAM Legrand Scholarship Program,
academically promising girl students can get a scholarship of INR 60,000 per
annum or a tuition fee waiver of 60%, whichever is less, for the entire
duration of their B.Tech/B.E./B.Arch program.
HCL Tech Bee:
Preparing students for entry level IT jobs
homegrown IT giant HCL Technologies is aiming to create the right opportunities
for young and less educated students to train and be job-ready for a future in
the India’s IT sector. HCL Technologies has rolled out work-integrated early
career program called ‘Tech Bee’ to help high school graduates to work in IT
and even these students stand to gain from HCL’s rich history in the IT sector.
be eligible, a candidate should have scored a minimum percentage of 60% marks
across boards (CBSE/ ICSE/ NIOS Boards/ Uttar Pradesh/ Punjab/ Rajasthan/
Uttarakhand/ Haryana/ Maharashtra/ Tamil Nadu/ Andhra Pradesh/ Karnataka/
Madhya Pradesh state boards)
entrance tests are being conducted every weekend across locations at HCL
offices. The admission process will continue till end of July 2019.
TIC 2019: Tamil
Internet Conference. 20-22 Sep 2019 at
18th Edition of Tamil Internet Conference (TIC 2019), is jointly organized by
International Forum for Information Technology in Tamil (INFITT) and Anna
University, Chennai, India from
September 20-22, 2019 . TIC 2019 invites the submission of technical
papers from researchers who are involved in different aspects of Tamil
Computing and Information Technology to send their research work for
presentation in one of the technical sessions of the main track of the
conference which will be held in Anna University Chennai, India during the
above period.
2019 welcomes double-blind anonymous submissions on significant, original, and
previously unpublished research on all the aspects of Tamil computing. Kindly
go through the attached brochure to know the scope of the conference.
details at
CSI’s 53rd
Annual Convention – 27-29 Sep 2019 at Udaipur
53rd Annual Convention is scheduled on 27-29, September 2019 at Hotel Inder
Residency, Udaipur. There are four relevant tracks that will definitely help us
to top up our knowledge and set new standards are big Data Analytics and Data
Mining, Cyber Security and Smart
Computing, IOT and Engineering and E-governance and Digital Initiatives. Authors
may send their original papers for the review before 31st July 2019 to enjoy
early bird offer via Easy chair link given in The accepted
reviewed papers will be published by CRC press (Taylor and Francis Group). Also, the same will be sent to SCOPUS, Web of
Science and Google Scholar for further indexing.
more details pl. visit
IEEE INDICON-2019 at Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat during 13-15
Dec 2019
IEEE INDICON 2019 – the flagship
conference of the IEEE India Council – will be held at Marwadi University,
Rajkot, Gujarat from December 13 to 15, 2019 with the theme “Applying
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering for prosperity and betterment of humanity”.
The Call for Papers is now available
on the IEEE INDICON 2019 website;
in the IR Quiz – 2019-07-08 and win Rs. 250/- worth Amazon Gift Voucher from Dynamic Group. Visit
of Interesting Reads
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