Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Interesting Reads – 2018-06-06

Softer skills for a digital future

In this e-guide, industry experts explore the different types of skills that are needed for technology roles, as well as the increasing importance of soft skills, creativity and diverse thought in developing the technology teams of the future.

Table Of Contents
  • Building, recruiting and retaining digital talent for an automated tech-driven future
  • How to ensure tech staff gain 'essential soft skills'
  • How will automation affect the IT skills gap?
  • IT companies need technical workers with soft skills
  • Everywoman forum 2018: The dangers of non-diverse artificial intelligence
  • Cisco Live 2017: A tale of shifting skills and increased security

How to Write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences

As a researcher or practicing engineer, you know how important it is to publish the results of your work. It is not just about career advancement or getting recognition. Publication is a critical step in the scientific process. Your discoveries will foster innovation and help advance technology for public good. But that can only happen if your research can be read, understood, and built upon by your fellow researchers and engineers. This guide is designed to help you succeed as an author.

In this guide, you will learn how to prepare, write, and submit your manuscript for peer review by an IEEE conference, journal, or magazine. We will show you how successful authors structure quality work to improve their chances of being accepted. You will find practical tips on how to select an appropriate periodical or conference, organize your manuscript, write in a clear and grammatically correct style, and work through peer review. You will also learn how to avoid common mistakes and ethical lapses that will prevent your manuscript from being accepted and may damage your reputation.

Zero Days, Thousands of Nights: The Life and Times of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities and Their Exploits

Zero-day vulnerabilities — software vulnerabilities for which no patch or fix has been publicly released — and their exploits are useful in cyber operations — whether by criminals, militaries, or governments — as well as in defensive and academic settings.

This 133 pages report provides findings from real-world zero-day vulnerability and exploit data that could augment conventional proxy examples and expert opinion, complement current efforts to create a framework for deciding whether to disclose or retain a cache of zero-day vulnerabilities and exploits, inform ongoing policy debates regarding stockpiling and vulnerability disclosure, and add extra context for those examining the implications and resulting liability of attacks and data breaches for U.S. consumers, companies, insurers, and for the civil justice system broadly.

The authors provide insights about the zero-day vulnerability research and exploit development industry; give information on what proportion of zero-day vulnerabilities are alive (undisclosed), dead (known), or somewhere in between; and establish some baseline metrics regarding the average lifespan of zero-day vulnerabilities, the likelihood of another party discovering a vulnerability within a given time period, and the time and costs involved in developing an exploit for a zero-day vulnerability.

‘Nobel Prize for Computing’: Newly named Turing Award winners to lecture about ‘new golden age’ for computer architecture at ISCA

Turing Award winners John L. Hennessy, former president of Stanford University, and David A. Patterson, retired professor at the University of California, Berkeley, will speak to how computer architecture is “on the cusp of another Golden Age” during the International Symposium on Computer Architecture this month.

Hennessy and Patterson were named as recipients last March of the 2017 Turing Award, often called the “Nobel Prize for Computing,” which carries a $1 million prize with financial support from Google.

In an advance summary of their lecture, to be given at the ISCA 2018 in Los Angeles, the two scientists herald a new era for computer architecture that “will significantly improve cost, performance, energy, and security,” they say.

Hennessy and Patterson won the Turing Award for their pioneering an approach to create faster, lower power, and reduced instruction set computer (RISC) microprocessors, which constitute 99% of the 16 billion microprocessors found in nearly all smartphones, tablets, and Internet of Things devices.

View the  ISCA’s Turing Lecture at

The best advice from 2018 commencement speeches

From Ronan Farrow to Abby Wambach, here are some words of wisdom that can motivate you, whether you’re a recent graduate or not.

When you’re starting something new, it can help to hear from someone who’s been there before. That’s the gist of commencement speeches. Speakers often share their personal journeys, the mistakes they made along the way, and the steps they took to succeed. They offer nuggets of wisdom that may help graduates as they embark on perhaps their most important milestone: starting their career.
But you don’t have to be graduating college to glean some takeaways from their tips. Here are five commencement speeches that have valuable messages for any stage of life.