Friday 26 April 2024

May 2024 -- Forthcoming Events

Please find details of few select forthcoming events announced during May 2024.

Pl register and get benefited. 

With regards  -- HR Mohan


Events List

3rd May 2024 at 10 am PDT. SingleStore presents a webinar on "AI/ML-Driven Forecasting for Power Demand, Supply & Pricing". For details and to register

4th May 2024 at 10 am PDT. Pan IIT Alumni Assn presents a webinar on "AI Frontiers: Demystifying Large Language Models" by Prof. Subbarao Kambhampati, a distinguished alumnus of IIT Madras and a prominent figure in the AI community, is a professor at the School of Computing & AI at Arizona State University. Register at

9th May 2024 at 6.30 pm IST. IITMAA Delhi Chapter Presents: Alumni Expert Series presentation on "Industry-Academia Collaboration for Scientific Research & Development and Innovation for Societal Impact" by Dr. Sapna Poti, Director, Strategic Alliances, Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to the Govt. of India. Register at

9th May 2024 at 12 noon ET. Marketing AI Institute presents a webinar on "How to Leverage AI for Effective Marketing (Without Losing the Human Touch)". To register

9th May 2024 at 2 pm EDT. National Academies presents a webinar on "Ethical Needs and Questions for Digital Twins". To register

10th May 2024 at 3 pm (HKT UTC+8). The Hong Kong Polytechnic University & IEEE Computational Intelligence Society present a hybrid event on "The Metaverse: AI-Powered Universe of Persistent Digital Twins" by Prof. Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Distinguished Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada. To register

11th May 2024 at 6 pm IST. CSI Chennai, IEEE CS Madras and ACM Chennai cordially invite you to the webinar on "Upskilling & Cross-Skilling - The Game Changer to Succeed in the Disruptive Era" by  Dr. Usha Narasimhan, Talent Development Head, Enterprise Solutions Unit, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Chennai. Register at

13th May 2024 at 10 am ETD. National Academies of Sciences presents an online event "AI for Scientific Discovery: Proceedings Release". For details and to register

14th May 2024 at 7.30 pm IST. IEEE CS Madras, CSI Chennai & ACM Chennai cordially invite you to the webinar on "Data Strategy & Open Data for 10X Research Productivity" by Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Chair, IEEE DataPort, Chair, IEEE TA Data-based Business Strategy, Founder & President, TCX Technology Connexions, Educator & Entrepreneurship Mentor, UCSD, USARegister at

14th May 2024 at 10.30 pm IST. Content Wrangler presents a webinar on "Introducing the AI-Powered Writing Tool Landscape". To register

14th May 2024 at 11 am EDT. IEEE Computer Society presents a webinar on "Adaptive Management Principles and their Application to Cloud Computing". To register

16th May 2024 at 8.30 pm IST. Content Wrangler presents a webinar on "What Executives Need To Know About KM, LLMs, and AI". To register

16th May 2024 at 10.30 pm IST. Pan IIT Alumni Assn USA presents a webinar on "Open, Ml Driven, Use Case Specific 5G/6G - The Infrastructure Developers’ Perspective" by Dr Chaitali Sengupta, Co-founder and CEO at Cirrus360. To register

16th May 2024 at 11 am EDT. IEEE Computer Society presents a webinar on "Intersection of AI and Project Management". To register

16th May 2024 at 2 pm EDT. National Academies presents a webinar on "Regulatory Challenges and Approaches for Deploying Digital Twins". To register

17th May 2024 at 3 pm IST. TechGig presents a webinar on "Data Privacy in the Age of Big Data: Challenges and Solutions". For details and to register

17th May 2024 at 10 an PDT. SingleStore presents a webinar on "GPT-4o for Developers: Hands-On with OpenAI's Spring Release". To register

17th May 2024 at 3 pm IST. TechGig presents a webinar on "Data Privacy in the Age of Big Data: Challenges and Solutions". To register

18th May 2024. In-person event. IEEE CS Day @ SAEC on "GenAI and LLMs". Registration Fee: Rs. 50 for members of IEEE/CSI/ACM and participants from host SAEC. Rs. 100 for others. Announcement at Registration at

18th May 2024 at 5:30 pm IST. RRC Webinar on  "Increase Library Visibility Using ChatGPT and OpenAI Platform" by Dr. Shantanu Ganguly (Director, HDFC Library, Ashoka University, Sonepat, Haryana). Register  at

19th May 2024 at 12 pm PT.  IEEE & IEEE Computer Society organises a live stream on  "IEEE i50 - A Virtual Celebration of 50 Years of the Internet". For details and to register

22nd May 2024 at 8.30 pm IST. The Content Wrangler presents a webinar on "Leveraging Generative AI As Your Personal Research Assistant". To register

23rd May 2024 at 2 pm EDT. National Academies presents a webinar on "Human-Digital Twin Interactions". To register

23rd May 2024 at 6.30 pm IST.  Technology from Sage presents a webinar on "Equity in Research Visibility: Improving Citation Justice and Discovery with Lean Library". For details and to register

23rd May & 26th May 2024 at 5 pm IST. Quantum Computing Introductory Webinars. To get the link to join the webinars on both the days, send email requests to  OR

23rd May 2024 at 10.30 am  (HKT, UTC+8). Hybrid (English). The Hongkong Polytechnic University presents a webinar on "Intelligent Heuristics are the Future of Computing" by Prof. Shang-Hua TENG, University Professor, Seeley G. Mudd Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, USA. Register at

24th May 2024 at 4 pm IST. Online lecture on  “Consequences of Machine Learning on Structural Protein Biology” by Dr. Ratul Chowdhury, Structural Protein Biology and Engineering Lab, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Ames National Laboratory, Iowa State University, USA. To register

24th May 2024 at 6 pm IST. SPIN Chennai presents a distinguished lecture on "Digitalization in Supply Logistics" by  Shri. KS Rao, Executive Director - Operations, IndianOil. Register at 

24th May 2024 at 4 pm IST. SNIA presents a webinar on "Navigating Transactions: ACID Complexity in Modern Databases" by Shiv Jha, Nutanix. To register

24th May 2024 at 4.30 pm IST. Webinar on "SEMICONDUCTORS: THE NEXT JOB CREATORS". To register

25th May 2024 at 6 pm IST. IEEE CS Madras, CSI Chennai, ACM Chennai abd HCC cordially invite you to the webinar on "AI Ethics and AI Fairness Assessment Frameworks" by Dr Geetha Raju, Senior AI Consultant - AI/ML - Govt. Tech, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) India. Register at

25th May 2024 at 11.30 am IST. IEEE 2024 R10Talk #4 on  "Navigating Corporate Careers as an Entrepreneur" by Mr Huzaib Shafi, Solutions Architect (Smart Cities & Business Process Automation), Cisco. Register at

27th May 2024 at 11 am IST. Vasishth Genomics Research Lab Pvt Ltd presents a Free Hands-on workshop on "Exploratory Data Analysis Using R". To register

29th May 2024 at 8.30 pm IST. Content Wrangler presents a webinar on "The Tech Writer’s Unlikely Ally:Generative AI for Tech Docs".To register

29th May 2024 at 3 pm IST. Voice & Data presents a dialogue on "5G & Beyond: Unlocking the Potential for Businesses" For details and to register

29th May 2024 at 4 pm IST. DSCI presents a webinar on "Securing Healthcare IoT Systems". Register at:

30th May 2024 at 2 pm EDT. National Academies presents a webinar on "Digital Twins for Social and Behavioral Systems". To register

31st May 2024 at  10 am PDT. SingleStore presents a webinar on "How to Build Personalized Marketing Chatbots (Gemini vs LoRA)". To register

31st May 2024 at 10.30 HKT (UTC+8). 2024 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University presents a distinguished seminar on "A Computational Perspective to Language and Intelligence"  by Prof. Haizhou LI, X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor & Executive Dean, School of Data Science. To register