Friday, 1 January 2021

Intereresing Reads And Information -- IRAI -- 210101

IRAI wishes it's readers a happy, healthy, prosperous and safe New Year 2021.



Want to get — and stay — employed through 2030? 10 jobs to consider

What will the world — and specifically, the world of work — look like over the next decade?

Practically every industry in the world has been forced to adapt due to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown and economic fallout. It’s an understandably disorienting time — but it’s also one in which new careers and jobs are emerging.

“If you can position yourself and acquire the right skills, there’s a lot of opportunity, certainly if you’re a tech-centric person,”

Here are 10 potential career paths that could become highly relevant, according to Pring, IT futurist and cofounder of Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work, which tracks trends across technology, business and society.

How to ace your next online job interview

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the way we work — and that includes how we interview for that work. While remote job interviews are nothing new, they’re now the norm as companies grapple with reopening. As we prepare for them, there are a few important things that we should bear in mind

9 things you can do to make working from home more joyful

Working from home can be a real delight if you let it. The author of this post  likes to share a few ideas for creating a workspace and routines that will make working from home a joyful, sustaining  experience. And who knows? You might not even want to go back to the office!

14 most in-demand data science skills you need to succeed

The demand for data scientists continues to grow, but the job requires a combination of technical and soft skills. Here are 14 key skills for effective data scientists.

Artificial Intelligence

An executive’s guide to AI

Updated with the latest artificial-intelligence developments, our interactive helps business executives learn the ABCs of AI.

The state of AI in 2020

McKinsey  2020 AI survey shows artificial intelligence has become more of a revenue driver. Companies earning the most from AI plan to invest in it more in response to COVID-19.

The Missing Pieces of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine


DevOps news and trends to watch in 2021

10 DevOps engineer skills to add to a resume

A DevOps engineer plays a critical role in modern IT. As app development and deployment practices change, orgs will seek pros with hands-on experience -- and the skills to show for it.

Top 15 DevOps blogs to read and follow

The DevOps community is big, but here are some of the top DevOps blogs to read that cover everything from tips for beginners, the latest news and how-tos.

16 DevOps books to level up your skills

Is your organization and IT staff ready to tackle DevOps, from culture to strategies and toolchains? Start with these 16 books from learning DevOps basics to fine-tuning specific DevOps skills and practices.

Information Security

Top cybersecurity articles of 2020

As the year no one could have predicted comes to a close, SearchSecurity takes a 30,000-foot view of the cybersecurity trends and challenges that defined the last 12 months.

Top 10 cyber crime stories of 2020

Here are Computer Weekly’s top 10 cyber crime stories of 2020

FAQ's on Cyber Attacks

 1. What is the process of filing a complaint of Cyber Crime?

 2. Process of registering an Online Cyber Crime Complaint

 3. Process of registration of complaint at local police station

To read the remaining 27 questionsh

Information Security Awareness for Women

An online ebook with 23 chapters explaining various aspects of  information security related to women

Digital Footprints,  Wealth & Assets 

Digging your own digital grave: how should you manage the data you leave behind?

Throughout our lifetimes we consume, collate, curate, host and produce a staggering quantity of data – some by our own hand, some by others on our behalf, and some without our knowledge or consent.

Collectively, our “digital footprints” represent who we are and who we were. Our digital legacies are immortal and can impact those we leave behind.

Many of us take steps to secure our privacy while we’re alive, but there’s mounting evidence that we should be equally concerned about the privacy and security risks of our “data after death”.

What happens to your digital wealth on death and incapacity?

Facebook’s accidental ‘death’ of users reminds us to plan for digital death

Death and the Internet: Consumer Issues for Planning and Managing Digital Legacies

Videos to Watch

The most popular TED Talks of 2020

What ideas captured people's attention and took off the quickest in 2020? Here are the talks that intrigued and propelled us to the end of this world-shifting year. 20 talks · Total run time 7:50:41

TED Talk Editor's Picks of 2020

As we  (TED Talks) celebrate the end of 2020 ... what captured our imaginations, reflected our emotions and sparked hope for a better tomorrow? Here's a wide-ranging list of the talks that stayed with us this year (along with some hidden gems), selected by the editorial team at TED. 25 talks · Total run time 5:50:30

New tech, new ethics

With technical advancement comes great ethical responsibility. In these talks, amazing, life-altering feats of science make us ask: How could we mess this up? 9 talks · Total run time 2:34:04

Innovation & Food Security

Vertical Farms Run by AI and Robots To Solve the Land Crisis

Ag-tech startup Plenty's vertical farm produces 400 times more food per acre than a flat farm.

Denmark’s Wind-Powered Vertical Farm Will Produce 1K Tons of Greens a Year

The farm will adopt hydroponics tech to grow foods with little water and not require the use of any pesticides.

Business & Management

13 Tips for Finding Success In the Business World

There’s no such thing as guaranteed success, especially in the business world. The best that you can do is to do the things that’ll make success easier to come by. It’s about putting all the pieces in the right place, so that you’re able to take advantage of opportunities as and when they arrive. But what exactly do these things look like? We take a look at a few tried and tested tips below. If you’re hoping to make a dent in the business world, then you’ll want to incorporate them into your professional career.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Jurassic Park 3

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom

The 10 biggest business trends for 2021 everyone must be ready for

This year 2020 saw sweeping, dramatic shifts in the way the world interacts, collaborates, does business, and even entertains. Who would have imagined that entire workforces would switch to remote working overnight? Or that factories and industries would shut operations without a plan—something unthinkable of in the past. What the coronavirus did for digital transformation could not have been possible even in a decade. The transformation was swift as it was brutal with businesses and people doing everything possible to stay afloat and stay safe. But as the initial reaction to the crisis settled and the world acclimated to the new normal, key drifts emerged that will flourish in 2021. Here are  the top 10 shifts that will likely transcend industries and become the biggest trends for the coming year.

Self Development

10 Great Ways to Show You’re Grateful Today

Have you said thank-you to someone to show how grateful you are for them today? It’s such a small thing, but it can have a huge impact on your life, and the life of that person.

For those who’d like to do little things to show their gratitude, to a specific person or to life in general, here are a few ideas that work.

How to listen — really listen — to someone you don’t agree with

Listening may not be the most exciting part of conversation, but it’s essential if you want to have a meaningful exchange with another person.


Paperless Schools of the Future: Decoding the potential of digital adoption for schools

Even as Ed-tech becomes the buzzword in these times of virtual classrooms and AI powered assisted learning tools, the future of education is as much dependent on digitisation of schools and educational institutes as it is on individual adoption of online learning, across age groups. The pandemic has further highlighted the need for an efficient, digitally enabled and seamless infrastructure for school education. In the decade to come, while there will be several innovations in assisted learning tools and teaching mechanisms, listed here are 10 key trends that would be mainstream in a ‘paperless’ school system:

10 Critical issues in Educational Technology

To improve education, address critical technology issues now

Health & Wellness

Your gut microbiome may be linked to dementia, Parkinson’s disease and MS

Coronavirus: how to keep your gut microbiome healthy to fight COVID-19

Gut health: does exercise change your microbiome?

Beer Might Actually Be Good for You, According to Science

Apart from its intoxicating properties, moderate drinking of beer can also benefit your health! If this sounds too good to be true, then read on.

Books & Periodicals

21 inspiring, must-read books for 2021

As we head into the waning days of 2020, here are 21 books we at team Shareable think are perfect additions for your 2021 reading list — especially if you’re planning to build back better next year

14 minimalist e-books to maximize your happiness 

If you are interested in a more minimalist lifestyle or would like to read up on some more great minimalist e-books that provide solid and sound advice, this is a great book roundup.

Book: Cryptography and Information Security 

Author: Dr VK Pachghare. Paperback.  520 pages. Rs. 550/- Publisher:  PHI Learning

This book aims to cater to the need of a quality textbook in the field of information security. The present third edition of the book covers the principles, design, and implementation of various algorithms in cryptography and information security domain. The book is a comprehensive work with a balance and systematic presentation of the theoretical and practical aspects. The book covers relevant methods and theorems to get the necessary mathematical base for the understanding of the cryptographic algorithms. It also provides a clear analysis of different algorithms and techniques. The book is intended for the UG & PG students of CSE & IT courses.

Pl look forward to a webinar session by the author in Feb 2021.


33 Interesting Facts About the Most Famous Engineers & Inventors

Here are 33 amazing facts you might have never heard about the greatest inventors and engineers.

IRAI Quiz -- 210101

1. Gramophone is a  --------------- (Music / Agritech) startup founded by IIT  & IIM graduates. 

2. What Oracle called the Java EE API is now called as  ----------------  EE API under the Eclipse Foundation. 

3. DevOps has its roots in the -------  software development methodology

4. XSS is a type of web application vulnerability that enables attackers to inject and execute malicious client-side code in the victim's browser within a legitimate web application. Expand XSS.

5. Who said this: "Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent. It clears up the old to make way for the new"

6. ---------------- is considered as the Father of Indian Telecom Revolution

7. ---------------- is considered as the Father of  Indian IT Industry

8. The history of internet in India began with the launch of ------- (ERNET/NICNet) 

9. The concept that mandating  all Internet users be treated equally, without discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication is known as -------------- 

10. -------------  is the retail broadband initiative of RailTel, the Indian ICT infrastructure provider and administered by Ministry of  Railways.

Answers at the end

Forthcoming Events


2nd Jan -- Supply Chain Management and the Smart Factory Strategies.

8th Jan -- MLOps: Evolution of New Era Beyond DevOps.

23rd Jan -- Open Data for Sustainable Community.

30th Jan -- Experimental AI for Social Good.

Pl refer for pdf invite, presentation & speaker details of events in Jan 2021 at:

For additional events in Jan 2021 scheduled and hosted by  organisations including CSI, ACM & IEEE CS, please visit

India Science Festival 2021 Program Schedule

Events are planned  for the entire month of Jan 2021. Select  the pgms of your interest and attend.


CII Startupreneur Awards

CII has launched 'Corporate-Start-up Business Partnership Platform' wherein it is envisioned that CII member companies in every state ties up with at least one start-up this year. There is no registration / application fee applicable. Last date to apply – 15 January 2021.

To apply for the program, please visit:

Free ACM membership for students

Microsoft launches free Web Development program for beginners

Microsoft has launched a new program for beginners interested in getting started with web development technologies. The program called 'Web Dev for Beginners' is hosted on GitHub and offered through YouTube.

The 12-week long program includes 24 lesson curriculum that includes JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Each lesson has pre and post-lesson quizzes.


Past posts of Intereresing Reads And Information

IRAI Quiz Archives at

IRAI Titbits Archives at

Pl. send your  feedback & other communications to

Answers to IRAI Quiz -- 210101

1. Agritech

2. Jakarta

3. Agile

4. Cross-site scripting

5. Steve Jobs

6. Sam Pitroda

7. F.C. Kohli


9. Net Neutrality

10. RailWire


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